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How can I verify 2 output values equal?
Solved: 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Assuming it is in globalsheet,

value1 = Datatable.Value("ColumnName")
value2 = Datatable.Value("ColumnName")

If Trim(value1) = Trim(value2) Then
   found = True
   found = false
End if

Let me know if this helps.
Give a fish to a man and you feed him for a day..Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for life.
Solved: 10 Years, 11 Months ago
[quote='basanth27' pid='6589' dateline='1249571256']

Hi Basanth,

Yes - I feel this is good progress! I have pasted my code below, but how can I print the results somewhere? Now that I know how to check/compare these values from my website vs my database I need to be able to print them somewhere to view at the end of the run. That is the last part. I appreciate your help immensely!

DbTable("DbTable_2").Output CheckPoint("DbTable_2")
Browser("Vis").Page("Vis").WebElement("15").Output CheckPoint("TotalB")

value1 = Datatable.Value("DbTable_TBills")
value2 = Datatable.Value("_15_innertext_out")

If Trim(value1) = Trim(value2) Then
found = True
found = false
End if
Solved: 10 Years, 11 Months ago
(08-06-2009, 08:58 PM)egun Wrote: [quote='basanth27' pid='6589' dateline='1249571256']

Hi Basanth,

Yes - I feel this is good progress! I have pasted my code below, but how can I print the results somewhere? Now that I know how to check/compare these values from my website vs my database I need to be able to print them somewhere to view at the end of the run. That is the last part. I appreciate your help immensely!

DbTable("DbTable_2").Output CheckPoint("DbTable_2")
Browser("Vis").Page("Vis").WebElement("15").Output CheckPoint("TotalB")

value1 = Datatable.Value("DbTable_TBills")
value2 = Datatable.Value("_15_innertext_out")

If Trim(value1) = Trim(value2) Then
found = True
found = false
End if

You were almost there. You may have to get used on how to use QTP Help. In my view it is one of the most amazing storehouse of knowledge.

I assume you want to print the results to the QTP results, if yes this is how you do it,

DbTable("DbTable_2").Output CheckPoint("DbTable_2")
Browser("Vis").Page("Vis").WebElement("15").Output CheckPoint("TotalB")

value1 = Datatable.Value("DbTable_TBills")
value2 = Datatable.Value("_15_innertext_out")

If Trim(value1) = Trim(value2) Then
Reporter.reportevent micPass, "Value Match", "Found a Match"
Reporter.reportevent micFail, "Value Match", "Values Dont Match"
End if

If you wanted to print the results somewhere other than QTP results let me know...
Give a fish to a man and you feed him for a day..Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for life.
Solved: 10 Years, 11 Months ago
That should be fine, thank you again Basanth. I had actually looked to the QTP help area after my last post and figured out how to do the same... thanks for your help. Smile
Solved: 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Most Welcome Smile I request you & encourage to ask multiple questions and doubts. This is the place where we can learn and learn to share.
Give a fish to a man and you feed him for a day..Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for life.

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