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QTP is too slow while running the scripts on firefox
Solved: 11 Years, 6 Months, 1 Week ago
Hi All,

I am trying to run the test cases on firefox browser. Its taking lot of time, if everything is proper the script would have taken just 30 seconds to execute a simple flow. But its taking around 2 mts for the same. When i debugged i found that each and every object checking code is taking around 12-15 seconds even if the object exists.

Did anyone see this problem before or has got any clue abt it. Pls share.

Thks in adv
Solved: 11 Years, 6 Months, 1 Week ago
Hi Sravanthi,

If you feel, the execution of tests has slowed down or there is need to increase the speed ,just keep these few points in mind.

1. Do not load unwanted Add-ins !
Selecting an add-in(eg: web) just because it was selected by default can only reduce performance if you are working with windows applications.Load only required add-ins

2.Run mode=Fast!
Tools>options>Run mode>set it to fast! You will need to have installed Microsoft script debugger to change settings here.

3.Active Screen!
This actually consumes lot of disk space and usually we don't really need active screen which is displayed by default when we open QTP.If you have noticed,while editing scripts,it takes fraction of seconds or more to update Active screen window on each step.So if you are not in need of it, just toggle it (View>Active screen) or close the window(x).
When it comes to saving the tests, again if you don't need any active screens to be stored just clear the option 'save active screen files' in 'save test' dialog box.
If you really need active screen,check capture level in Tools>options>active screen>
minimum/partial would be sufficient

4.Images and movie capture!
Uncheck 'save movie results' and 'save still images'
If you really want images set it 'for errors' instead of 'always'

5.Recovery Scenario!
This is very crucial as far as performance hit is concerned.Try not to use them.Try to run scripts in a separate machine where unwanted softwares are not installed (eg:printers,anti virus e.t.c).Some browser popups can be disabled manually by selecting "do not show this next time" before actually automating scripts.
Prefer 'Exist' method rather than blindly using recovery scenario if you are sure of what exceptional behavior could occur at what point of time.

If it is really needed, make sure in file settings>recovery scenario, you configure "activate recovery scenarios" appropriately. See if 'On error' would handle the job instead of 'on every step'.

Solved: 11 Years, 6 Months, 1 Week ago
Hi Ankesh,

Thank you for the reply. I will check on all these.


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