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Running QTP scripts without QC
Not Solved
Hi All,

In our project we used QTP and QC. Through QC we executed all scripts and everything is working fine. All the scripts, repositories are managed in QC only.

But now, i have to find a way to execute the scripts with out connecting to QC.
1) Is it possible to move all scripts from QC to local?
2) If we move the scripts will they work normally?
3) Is there any other free ware management tool which i can use with
QTP to run the scripts?
Please let me know if there any other way.

Hi All,

In our project we used QTP and QC.
Through QC we executed all scripts and everything is working fine.
All the scripts, repositories are managed in QC only.

But now, i have to find a way to execute the scripts with out connecting to QC.
1) Is it possible to move all scripts and repository from QC to local machine if so how.?
2) If we move the scripts will they work normally ? I used both key driven and moduler framework and vb script for all scripts.

can you please advise/redirect if there any other way to execute the scripts without using QC and how to move the repository to the local machine.

Not Solved

i know you have posted this long back , now am almost in the similar situation. what's your thoughts about the executing QTP scripts without QC.. please let me know

Not Solved
Ans1: Yes It's possible. Below is the code, save the code as .vbs file and proceed.
Option Explicit

' Quality Center QTP Test Case Exporter
' NAME: DownloadQTPFromQC.vbs
' AUTHOR: Sridhar Upputuri
' DATE  : 4/4/2009
'    To export all QTP Test Cases from QC for a give Test Plan Root Node.
Dim wscript
set wscript=CreateObject ("")
'Quality Center Server settings
Dim strUserName, strPassword, strServer
strUserName = "User Name" '<-- Change me.
strPassword = "User Password" '<-- Change me.
strServer = "your QC URL"<-- Change me.

'Quality Center Project settings
Dim strDomain, strProject, strRootNode
strDomain = "Domain Name"   '<-- Change me.
strProject = "Project Name" '<-- Change me.
strRootNode = "Path of the folder in which your scripts are present"'Subject\SAM 3.1.0 Automated Tests\SAM-QTP_Automation_AGE\Scripts\Home\" '<-- Change me.

'Return the TDConnection object.
Dim QCConnection
Set QCConnection = CreateObject("TDApiOle80.TDConnection")

'Login to Quality Center
QCConnection.InitConnectionEx strServer
QCConnection.Login strUserName, strPassword

If (QCConnection.LoggedIn <> True) Then
    MsgBox "QC User Authentication Failed"
End If

'Connect to Project
QCConnection.Connect strDomain, strProject

'Get array of user created TestClass objects
Dim arrObjQTPTests
arrObjQTPTests = GetQTPTestsFromQC(strRootNode)

'Close Quality Center Connection

Set QCConnection = Nothing
'Create QTP object to control QTP
Dim qtApp
Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")

'If connection not already established then establish connection(QTP already running)
If Not qtApp.TDConnection.IsConnected Then
    qtApp.TDConnection.Connect strServer, strDomain, strProject, strUserName, strPassword, False
End If

qtApp.Launch             ' Start QuickTest
qtApp.Visible = False     ' Make the QuickTest application invisible

'Get each QTP test's name and path to load and save.
Dim objQTPTest
For Each objQTPTest In arrObjQTPTests
    If qtApp.TDConnection.IsConnected Then         ' If connection is successful
        Dim strQCTestPath, strLocalTestPath, strLocalTestFolder
        strQCTestPath = "[QualityCenter] " & objQTPTest.Path & "\" & objQTPTest.Name
        strLocalTestPath = "C:\" & objQTPTest.Path & "\" & objQTPTest.Name
        strLocalTestFolder = "C:\" & objQTPTest.Path
        WScript.PopUP "Open test from QC: " & strQCTestPath,3,"Test Opened",0+32
        qtApp.Open strQCTestPath, True             ' Open test in read only mode
        WScript.Popup "Create local folder: " & strLocalTestFolder,3,"Folder Created",0+32
        CreateFolderPath(strLocalTestFolder)    ' Create folder including parent folders.
        WScript.Popup "Save Test as: " & strLocalTestPath & vbcrlf ,3,"Test Saved",0+32
        qtApp.Test.SaveAs strLocalTestPath        ' Save test to local path.
        MsgBox "Cannot connect to Quality Center" ' If connection is not successful, display an error message.
    End If

qtApp.TDConnection.Disconnect     ' Disconnect from Quality Center
qtApp.Quit                         ' Exit QuickTest

Set qtApp = Nothing
' Function Library
'Gets the name and path of QTP tests for the give node in QC's Test Plan Module.
'@param:    strRootNode        Root Node in a Test Lab tree.
'@return:    Object Array    Array of TestClass objects for the given QC Node and subnodes.
Public Function GetQTPTestsFromQC (ByVal strRootNode)    
    'Gets subnodes of the given root node.
    Dim arrStrNodesList
    arrStrNodesList = GetNodesList(strRootNode)
    Dim arrObjQTPTest(), intNewUpper
    intNewUpper = 0
    'Get all QTP test for each of the given nodes in the node list.
    Dim strNode
    For Each strNode In arrStrNodesList
        Dim objTreeManager, objSubjectNode, objTestFactory, objTDFilter
        Set objTreeManager = QCConnection.TreeManager
        Set objSubjectNode = objTreeManager.NodeByPath(strNode)
        Set objTestFactory = objSubjectNode.TestFactory
        Set objTDFilter = objTestFactory.Filter
'        objTDFilter("TS_TYPE") = "= 'QUICKTEST_TEST'"
        Dim objTestList
        Set objTestList = objTestFactory.NewList(objTDFilter.Text)
        'Get the name and path for each of the QTP tests in the test list.
        Dim objTest
        For Each objTest In objTestList
            ReDim Preserve arrObjQTPTest(intNewUpper)
            Set arrObjQTPTest(intNewUpper) = New TestClass
            'Create a TestClass to make setting and getting the path and name easier.
            arrObjQTPTest(intNewUpper).Path = objSubjectNode.Path
            arrObjQTPTest(intNewUpper).Name = objTest.Name
            intNewUpper = intNewUpper + 1
    'Cleanup objects
    Set objTest = Nothing
    Set objTestList = Nothing
    Set objTDFilter = Nothing
    Set objTestFactory = Nothing
    Set objSubjectNode = Nothing
    Set objTreeManager = Nothing
    GetQTPTestsFromQC = arrObjQTPTest
End Function

'Returns an array for all children of a given Node of a tree.
'@param:    RootNode        strNode in a Test Lab tree.
'@return:    String Array    Array of subnodes paths for the given QC root node.
Public Function GetNodesList(ByVal RootNode)
    'Specify Array to contain all nodes of subject tree.
    Dim arrStrNodesList()
    ReDim Preserve arrStrNodesList(0)
    arrStrNodesList(0) = RootNode

    Dim objTreeManager, objSubjectNode
    Set objTreeManager = QCConnection.TreeManager
    Set objSubjectNode = objTreeManager.NodeByPath(RootNode)
    'Run on all children nodes
    Dim i, intNewUpper
    For i = 1 To objSubjectNode.Count
        'If current node has a child then get path on child nodes too.
        If objSubjectNode.Child(i).Count >= 1 Then
            Dim arrStrTempNodeList
            arrStrTempNodeList = GetNodesList(objSubjectNode.Child(i).Path)
            Dim strNode
            For Each strNode In arrStrTempNodeList
                'Add more space to dynamic array
                intNewUpper = UBound(arrStrNodesList) + 1
                ReDim Preserve arrStrNodesList(intNewUpper)
                'Add strNode path to array
                arrStrNodesList(intNewUpper) = strNode
            'Add more space to dynamic array
            intNewUpper = UBound(arrStrNodesList) + 1
            ReDim Preserve arrStrNodesList(intNewUpper)
            'Add strNode path to array
            arrStrNodesList(intNewUpper) = objSubjectNode.Child(i).Path
        End If
    ' Cleanup objects
    Set objSubjectNode = Nothing
    Set objTreeManager = Nothing
    GetNodesList = arrStrNodesList
End Function
'Creates a file system folder including parent folders
'@param:    strFolderPath    The fully qualified directory of folders to create.
'@return:    boolean            True is returned if the folders were sucessfully created; False if not.
Function CreateFolderPath(ByVal strFolderPath)
    Dim blnRetVal
    blnRetVal = False
    Dim objFSO
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    'Input checking
    If strFolderPath <> "" Then
        'If the folder doesn't exist then recursively create parent folder
        If objFSO.FolderExists(strFolderPath) = False Then
            If CreateFolderPath(objFSO.GetParentFolderName(strFolderPath)) = True Then            
                On Error Resume Next
                    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                        Wscript.Echo "Error in creating folder: " & Err.Number
                        Wscript.Echo "Error (Hex): " & Hex(Err.Number)
                        Wscript.Echo "Source: " &  Err.Source
                        Wscript.Echo "Description: " &  Err.Description
                        Wscript.Echo "Folder to create: " &  strFolderToCreate
                        blnRetVal = False
                        blnRetVal = True
                    End If
                On Error Goto 0
            End If
            'Folder exists.
            blnRetVal = True
        End If
        'Either root folder or no path sent.
        blnRetVal = False
    End If
    Set objFSO = Nothing
    CreateFolderPath = blnRetVal
End Function

'Provides a nice container for QTP tests Names and Paths.
Class TestClass
    Private strName
    Private strPath
    'Set and Get for Name
    Property Get Name
        Name = strName
    End Property
    Property Let Name(sName)
        strName = sName
    End Property
    'Set and Get for Path
    Property Get Path
        Path = strPath
    End Property
    Property Let Path(sPath)
        strPath = sPath
    End Property
End Class
Step 2:Yeah, provided you take care of the relative paths and place the necessary in the specific location.
Step3: I don't have any idea on this right now... But, I have built one few years back for my own using simple excel and db.

Let me know if you are still looking for any more information.
Not Solved
Save Test with resources to your local machine. File-->SaveTestWithResoureces.
This will create a folder and all subfolders for the respective resources like Object respositories/Test Data/Recovery Scenarios/Function Libraries.

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