in my test I have a dialog form which may appear or not, so I manage it with an If condition as:
If dialog form appears the script is quick, but if it doesn't appear there is a lot of time in which script wait for the dialog form appears.
If I use something as "Exist(3)" howewer time expected by script is not only of 3 seconds... there must be a previous check made by QTP which requires more time, but i don't know how I can disable it.
Any suggestion?
[I use QTP_8.2, only Descriptive Programming, no objects in OR, Smart Identification is disabled... ]
in my test I have a dialog form which may appear or not, so I manage it with an If condition as:
If Browser().Dialog().WinButton().Exist Then
End If
If dialog form appears the script is quick, but if it doesn't appear there is a lot of time in which script wait for the dialog form appears.
If I use something as "Exist(3)" howewer time expected by script is not only of 3 seconds... there must be a previous check made by QTP which requires more time, but i don't know how I can disable it.
Any suggestion?
[I use QTP_8.2, only Descriptive Programming, no objects in OR, Smart Identification is disabled... ]