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[UFT 12.52/VBScript] Test object exist, is visible and enabled before take an action
Not Solved
I'm automating tests using UFT 12.52 for an application.

I captured the objects for a repository and then started to create a sequence of actions on the objects.
However, there is a frequent problem. Before calling an action on an object it needs to exist, be visible and in some cases enabled(case of textboxes).
To solve this problem I thought, before the call to any action on the object, test if the object exists, is visible and enabled, if the 3 or 2 properties are true, then make a action with the object. Testing these properties of the object would be done until a timeout has been exceeded. If the timeout was exceeded an exception would be thrown to be handled.

I developed the code below, but the result is very unstable behavior:
  • Non-recognition of the current object being tested
  • No recognition of the parent object
  • UFT starts to test an object of the 2nd line, before executing the action on the object of the 1st line ...
I share the following code and the following doubts:
  • Is there a UFT/VBScript solution that solves this problem?
  • If there is a problema in my algorithm, where are the errors?
Thank you for your attention.
Could someone help me?
Any help will be welcome.

Function test
    clickObj SwfWindow("<parent object name 1 >").SwfButton("<child object name 1>"), true
    clickObj SwfWindow("<parent object name 2 >").SwfButton("<child object name 2>"), false

End Function
Function clickObj(obj, isEnabled)
    If (prepareObj(obj, isEnabled) = true) Then
        Err.Raise 424 'Error 424 = "Object required"
    End if
End Function

Function prepareObj(obj, isEnabled)
    If isEnabled = true Then
        If ((testObjProperty(obj,"exist") = true) And (testObjProperty(obj,"visible") = true) And (testObjProperty(obj,"enabled") = true)) Then
            prepareObj = true
            prepareObj = false
        End If
        If ((testObjProperty(obj,"exist") = true) And (testObjProperty(obj,"visible") = true)) Then
            prepareObj = true        
            prepareObj = false
        End If
    End If
    print "end prepareObj " & obj.GetTOProperty("TestObjName")

End Function

Function testObjProperty(obj, propertyName)
    Dim startTime : startTime = Timer
    Dim elapsedTime : elapsedTime = 0
    Dim propertyOk : propertyOk = false
    Dim timeout : timeout = 45
        Select Case propertyName
            Case "exist"
                propertyOk = obj.Exist(1)                
            Case "visible"
                propertyOk = obj.GetROProperty("visible")                
            Case "enabled"
                propertyOk = obj.GetROProperty("enabled")                        
        End Select
        If propertyOk = true Then
            testObjProperty = true                        
            Exit Function

            elapsedTime = Timer - startTime                
        End If
    Loop While timeout > elapsedTime
    testObjProperty = false        
End Function

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