WebEdits don't support the Type function, only window objects, like WinEdits. That's why the .Type micTab line was throwing an error. Lorena, there are several ways that web applications implement the functionality you describe. You can 1. try setting the value in the WebEdit, then trying to find the event that does the processing that unlocks the button, or you can 2. get focus on the WebEdit and send the Type command to the Browser window. Option 1 is probably easier and more reliable, the problem being that without seeing the application code, I can't know for sure what event processes the unlocking of the button. However, it would have to be onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, or onchange I would think. So try the below code, and you can comment out the FireEvent lines until you find the event that does the processing. Hope this helps, let me know if it does...
Browser("WisdomLogin").Page("Wisdom DEV_4").Frame("MainWindow_2").WebEdit("MasterPage$ContentPlaceHolderS").Set "0141"
Browser("WisdomLogin").Page("Wisdom DEV_4").Frame("MainWindow_2").WebEdit("MasterPage$ContentPlaceHolderS").FireEvent "onkeypress"
Browser("WisdomLogin").Page("Wisdom DEV_4").Frame("MainWindow_2").WebEdit("MasterPage$ContentPlaceHolderS").FireEvent "onkeydown"
Browser("WisdomLogin").Page("Wisdom DEV_4").Frame("MainWindow_2").WebEdit("MasterPage$ContentPlaceHolderS").FireEvent "onkeyup"
Browser("WisdomLogin").Page("Wisdom DEV_4").Frame("MainWindow_2").WebEdit("MasterPage$ContentPlaceHolderS").FireEvent "onchange"