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Query:Automation Framework
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Hi ,
I have created a framework which has folder named MAIN, then create six subfolders within that folder naming:

1. Function Library
2. Object Repository
3. Recovery Scenario
4. Reusuable actions
5. Test Data
6. Test Scripts

What type of Framework would it be called ??is it a mixture of Keyword driven and Data driven framework?
Please suggest.

Warm Regards,
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The framework depends on the implementation and approach of automation and not the folder structure.

Data Driven Test

Data-driven testing is a methodology used in Test automation where test scripts are executed and verified based on the data values stored in one or more central data sources or databases. These databases can range from datapools, ODBC sources, csv files, Excel files, DAO objects, ADO objects, etc. Data-driven testing is the establishment of several interacting test scripts together with their related data results in a framework used for the methodology. In this framework, variables are used for both input values and output verification values: navigation through the program, reading of the data sources, and logging of test status and information are all coded in the test script. Thus, the logic executed in the script is also dependent on the data values.

Keyword driven test.

The keyword-driven testing methodology divides test creation into two stages: the Planning Stage, and the Implementation Stage.

[1]Planning Stage

Examples of keywords

A simple keyword (one action on one object), e.g. entering a username into a textfield.

Textfield (username)<object> Enter text<Action> Data <username>

[2] implementation stage

The implementation stage differs depending on the tool or framework used. Often, automation engineers implement a framework that provides keywords like “check” and “enter” [1]. Testers or test designers (who don’t have to know how to program) write test cases based on the keywords defined in the planning stage that have been implemented by the engineers. The test is executed using a driver that reads the keywords and executes the corresponding code.
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i have not just create folders,but what i tried to say is that
1. Function Library
2. Object Repository
3. Recovery Scenario
4. Reusuable actions
5. Test Data
6. Test Scripts

My test scripts that are maintained in folder numbre 6 are run using the common Function library and Global object repository and data being supplied from Global sheet and re-usuable actions are being used .

Coding Structure used is that there will a main Action for all the scripts which is named as corresponding Test case name, This Action intern will call all the other actions (Each Transaction used in the script would be an action) in the script. Importing and Exporting of sheets is also done in this main action. Importing of sheets is done at the beginning before calling other actions and exporting of sheets is done at the last. Sheets corresponding to all the actions in the scripts are imported, so that the data in the fields of the imported sheets are used as input data to the script, output data from the script is also collected and exported to the corresponding sheet.

There are many transactions which are reused in the scripts, similar transactions (Actions) are made as reusable so that its not required to record those transactions again and again, which ever transaction was common among scripts, were recorded in one script and is reused in all the scripts where the transaction is required.

I agree with you point,but i am confused as to what type of framework is this?is it a hybrid framework(ie mixtiure of Data and keyowrd driven)
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I think it is pure datadriven test.
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Is it not a hybrid one?A combination of Keyword and Data driven/?
Ankur can you please confirm ..

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