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Data Table Query
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 3 Weeks ago
How to fetch the particular cell data in Global/Local sheet? How to check whether that cell is editable or not? Please give me the VB script statement for this.
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Hi there,
we don't have any pure vbscripting methods to get the value from datasheet as it's a QTP specific feature.
Please find the below code which will get the required out out (if i understood your question correctly)
msgbox GetDataTableCellValue(1,7,2)
Function GetDataTableCellValue(Sheet,Row,Col)
              Dim iRowNumber
              Dim siSheet
              Dim sColumnName
    iRowNumber = Row
    siSheet= Sheet
    sColumnName = GetParameterNumber(siSheet,Col)
    If  iRowNumber <= DataTable.GetSheet(siSheet).GetRowCount Then
        DataTable.GetSheet(siSheet).SetCurrentRow iRowNumber
        GetDataTableCellValue = DataTable.GetSheet(Sheet).GetParameter(sColumnName)    
        msgbox "The Row '" & iRowNumber & "' does not exit. Please provide a valid row number.",0+16,"Invalid Row Number"
    End If
End Function
Function GetParameterNumber(Sheet,sParameterNumber)
    On Error Resume Next
    Set oSheet = DataTable.GetSheet(Sheet)
    If oSheet.GetParameterCount = 0 Then
    'If Err.Number <>0  Then
        msgbox "The sheet '" & Sheet & "' does not exit. Please provide a valid sheet name (or) number.",0+16,"Invalid DataSheet Name"
        Set oSheet = Nothing
    End If
    If  oSheet.GetParameterCount >= sParameterNumber Then
       For iParNumber = 1 to oSheet.GetParameterCount
                GetParameterNumber = oSheet.GetParameter(sParameterNumber).Name
       Set oSheet = Nothing
        msgbox "The Column  '" & sParameterNumber & "' does not exit. Please provide a valid column number.",0+16,"Invalid Column Number"
    End If
End Function

By default all the cells in the runtime datatable are editable. Use the value method of Datatable to edit the value. Note: you can see the new value in the runtime datatable only.

Let me know if you need any more info.
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Hi Supputuri,

Thank you for your reply with solution. Can you let me know the below statement we can use to get the data in the datatable.

Code :

Dim Value
Value = datatable(row,column)
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 3 Weeks ago
No, you can not.
But there is a simple way you can do the same.

Datatable.SetCurrentRow row
Value = datatable(col,sheetnumber)
print Value
But you have to make sure that "Run Only One Iteration" option under File>Test Settings>Run tab. Otherwise, you will get the entire column values.
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Thank you supputuri, it wil help me a lot.

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