I'm new to qtp and testing a inhouse .net application. I need to select a date dynamically from the Calendar (i.e., .Net box Calendar). Whenever date changes/triggers/firesup all the rest of the values in the screen automatically changes. I used the below code to set the date in the calendar. It is changing and I can see the 10/01/2008 in the field but it's not triggering/firing up means rest of the values are not changing.
SwfWindow("Form1").SwfCalendar("dateTimePicker1").SetDate "10-Jan-2008"
Do am I missing any other code after the above code? please help me.
Thanks heaps Regards Ram.
SwfWindow("Form1").SwfCalendar("dateTimePicker1").SetDate "10-Jan-2008"
Do am I missing any other code after the above code? please help me.
Thanks heaps Regards Ram.