I am new with QTP and self learning this tool.
Need help while I am trying to visualize a process to setup a test with many reusable actions which will primarily receive paramitized data feed through datatable.
My dilemma is how to setup the process and it's data that can handle multiple data set, each having different child data set.
For Example: Hierarchy of an Auto Policy Insurance data will look as below:
Policy Deatils (Includes number & other Policy level Info.)
-->Vehicle Information (Includes each Vehicle level Info.)
--> All Coverages Information (Which could differ bewteen each Vehicles within the Policy)
--> Driver information (Includes all Drivers Info associated with each vehicle)
How can I setup the data and the process if I want to have a Single test with reusable actions such that the test can handle Multiple Policies with corresponding Vehicle, Coverages and Driver information?
Looking for your suggestions and thanks in advance.
I am new with QTP and self learning this tool.
Need help while I am trying to visualize a process to setup a test with many reusable actions which will primarily receive paramitized data feed through datatable.
My dilemma is how to setup the process and it's data that can handle multiple data set, each having different child data set.
For Example: Hierarchy of an Auto Policy Insurance data will look as below:
Policy Deatils (Includes number & other Policy level Info.)
-->Vehicle Information (Includes each Vehicle level Info.)
--> All Coverages Information (Which could differ bewteen each Vehicles within the Policy)
--> Driver information (Includes all Drivers Info associated with each vehicle)
How can I setup the data and the process if I want to have a Single test with reusable actions such that the test can handle Multiple Policies with corresponding Vehicle, Coverages and Driver information?
Looking for your suggestions and thanks in advance.