I get this error:
Cannot identify the object "Add a button" (of class WinObject). Verify that this object's properties match an object currently displayed in your application.
Line (3):Tip: If the objects in your application have changed, the Maintenance Run Mode can
help you identify and update your steps and/or the objects in your repository.
I have tried to run in Maintenance mode and to have the Object Repository Manager learn it with no success.
Cannot identify the object "Add a button" (of class WinObject). Verify that this object's properties match an object currently displayed in your application.
Line (3):
"Window("NorthStar Desktop").Window("Window").WinObject("Add a button").Click 124,31".
help you identify and update your steps and/or the objects in your repository.
I have tried to run in Maintenance mode and to have the Object Repository Manager learn it with no success.