Hello dear UFT members,
I am new on learning UFT and I have an error , so I hope you can help me as soon as possible
I want to launch the exe of putty then click on "Execute" button then enter login , password....
I did all but the click on the button is not working , this is the program on VB:
'Window("putty_2").WinObject("Vue d’éléments").WinList("Vue d’éléments").Activate "putty.exe"
'Window("putty_2").Dialog("Fichier ouvert - Avertissement_2").WinButton("&Exécuter").click
Window("PuTTY Configuration_2").Activate
Window("PuTTY Configuration").WinList("Saved Sessions").Select "openvm4"
Window("PuTTY Configuration").WinButton("Open").Click
Window("PuTTY").Type "User"
Window("PuTTY").Type micReturn
Window("PuTTY").Type "Password"
Thanks in advance
I am new on learning UFT and I have an error , so I hope you can help me as soon as possible
I want to launch the exe of putty then click on "Execute" button then enter login , password....
I did all but the click on the button is not working , this is the program on VB:
'Window("putty_2").WinObject("Vue d’éléments").WinList("Vue d’éléments").Activate "putty.exe"
'Window("putty_2").Dialog("Fichier ouvert - Avertissement_2").WinButton("&Exécuter").click
Window("PuTTY Configuration_2").Activate
Window("PuTTY Configuration").WinList("Saved Sessions").Select "openvm4"
Window("PuTTY Configuration").WinButton("Open").Click
Window("PuTTY").Type "User"
Window("PuTTY").Type micReturn
Window("PuTTY").Type "Password"
Thanks in advance