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trouble with pull down menus and data tables.
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I am trying to write a test case where it registers a new user each time it is ran. I set up the test with a global data table to use in each field on the registration form. The problem is that the registration form on the app has pull down menus for state and country. I have columns in my table for that information and I have code that tells QTP what to put in there. this is an example of one line of the code:

Browser("FindAResident").Page("FindAResident").WebList("state_cd").Select DataTable("STATE_CD", dtGlobalSheet)

When I try to run the test, it hangs on this step and gives me an error that says "Cannot identify the specified item of the state_cd object. Confirm that the specified item is included in the object's item collection."

How do I fix this? I have tried to update the object in the Object Identifier and I am either not doing it correctly, or its not working.
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Oh btw, this does work if I write a test that inputs information that is specified directly in the script. But the person is registered each time I run it, so if I want to run the test again, I have to insert a new person with new data. Thought using a data table would be easier.
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Dear puralin,
Can you please check the object repository whethe state_cd is there in it.If not you have to add the object.

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I checked this. The state_cd is located in the object repository.
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Please Relearn the object state_cd in the object repository and save and run the test.

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Relearn? Do you mean record again?
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You have a option in the Object Repository screen ..
Relearn means only you are learning that perticular object from the application.

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I mean u have to use Update From Application.
first Highlight the Application and then Highlight the object in the object repository and click on Update From Application Icon.

Not Solved
OK. I tried that. It didn't work. I think the problems lies with the button you click to get the list. I can't get QTP to reconize that as a separate object.

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