04-04-2011, 11:57 AM
Hi All,
I'm getting Object Required error for the below mentioned code
I tried using Wait and object.INIT too but the problem still exist. I have declared the Varible and used Option Explict also in the begining. I'm using QTP 9.5
Thanks in advance for help
I'm getting Object Required error for the below mentioned code
For i = 1 to row_cnt
WorkspaceName = Browser("").Page("").Frame("").WebTable("").GetCellData(i,col_cnt)
If trim(WorkspaceName) = trim(Workspace) Then
Set Workspace_Chk = Browser("").Page("").Frame("").WebTable("").ChildItem(i,1,"WebCheckBox",0)
Exit For
End If
I tried using Wait and object.INIT too but the problem still exist. I have declared the Varible and used Option Explict also in the begining. I'm using QTP 9.5
Thanks in advance for help