I have a requirement in my testcase. I have an applicaton with Java applets and I want to select the 2nd row in the list but not able to get .
code is as follows
The second row value is now 11119 and it is hardcoding the value,but next iteration the value will be changed so it give an error
I want to select the second row not the with the value
Any suggestion please
I have a requirement in my testcase. I have an applicaton with Java applets and I want to select the 2nd row in the list but not able to get .
code is as follows
JavaWindow("Client Information System").JavaInternalFrame("Valid values for Status").JavaTable("Table[]_3").ActivateCell "1","8"
The second row value is now 11119 and it is hardcoding the value,but next iteration the value will be changed so it give an error
I want to select the second row not the with the value
'JavaWindow("Client Information System").JavaInternalFrame("Court Order Detail Related").JavaList("Find").Select "11119"
Any suggestion please