I am using Quick Test Professional 8.2 with Siebel Add-in 8.0 to test Siebel application v.7.5
When I record the script, QTP does not record any click on the link (like Account). When I use insert step feature, it generate the script with SblTable. But it gave unspecify error when I run it. I was using SelectCell, SetCellData methods on that table. When I check if the QTP can see the table with exists function, it return true. But when I use the methods, it give the errors.
Really appreciate for any help.
I am using Quick Test Professional 8.2 with Siebel Add-in 8.0 to test Siebel application v.7.5
When I record the script, QTP does not record any click on the link (like Account). When I use insert step feature, it generate the script with SblTable. But it gave unspecify error when I run it. I was using SelectCell, SetCellData methods on that table. When I check if the QTP can see the table with exists function, it return true. But when I use the methods, it give the errors.
Really appreciate for any help.