no i m not running the application from Eclipse.
In fact now we have moved on to Infragistics 7.3 CLR 2.0 and all seems ok to me with the config files and the sample scripts in Testadvantage also executed as well
But my application after checking all of this still gives the following error though it records correctly.
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'SwfWindow(...).SwfWindow(...).SwfEdit(...).set'
for the following line
SwfWindow("AiCMS Case Management").SwfWindow("Search").SwfEdit("txtLastOrg").Set "a"
This is the script file :
Dim objConnection
Dim objRecordset
set objconnection = createobject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRecordset = createobject("ADODB.recordset")
strquery = "SELECT top 1 CASE_NUMBER AS 'Case Number',LAST_NAME , FIRST_NAME , MIDDLE_NAME , TOTAL_BAL_AMT AS 'Balance Due' FROM [Arizona_Test].[dbo].PARTYSEARCH group by case_number,LAST_NAME , FIRST_NAME ,MIDDLE_NAME,TOTAL_BAL_AMT having count(case_number) = 1 and TOTAL_BAL_AMT >50"
Set objrecordset = generateDB(objconnection,objrecordset,strquery)
SwfWindow("AiCMS Case Management").SwfToolbar("_Main_Toolbars_Dock_Area_Top_2").SelectRibbonTab "Accounting"
SwfWindow("AiCMS Case Management").SwfToolbar("_Main_Toolbars_Dock_Area_Top_2").ClickRibbonTool "Accounting:Receipting","Payment Receipting"
SwfWindow("AiCMS Case Management").SwfWindow("Search").SwfEdit("txtLastOrg").SetFocus
SwfWindow("AiCMS Case Management").SwfWindow("Search").SwfEdit("txtLastOrg").SetCaretPos 0
SwfWindow("AiCMS Case Management").SwfWindow("Search").SwfEdit("txtLastOrg").Set "a"
SwfWindow("AiCMS Case Management").SwfWindow("Search").SwfToolbar("_Main_Toolbars_Dock_Area_Top").ClickToolbarTool "tbrSearch","Search"
SwfWindow("AiCMS Case Management").SwfTab("SwfTab").CloseTab "Search"
This is the function library for generateDB function
Public Function generateDB(byref objConnection,byref objRecordset, strQuery)
If objconnection.state = 0 then
objConnection.Open Environment.value("DSN") 'Comes from a global variable
end if
Const adOpenStatic = 3
Const adLockOptimistic = 3
Const adUseClient = 3
Set objRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRecordset.CursorLocation = adUseClient
objRecordset.CursorType = adopenstatic
objRecordset.LockType = adlockoptimistic
objRecordset.Source = strQuery
objRecordset.ActiveConnection = objConnection
objRecordset.Open 'Executes the Query
set generateDB=objRecordset
End Function
Sometimes it gives me a "General Run Error" at the beginning itself. Sometimes it gives the "exception has been thrown by the target of invocation" error. It acts weird is all that i can say.
So now how can we resolve this?