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Trouble with Flex testing.
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I'm trying to write automation for a Flex app. I'm having a problem that is blocking me from being able to write any meaningful tests.
When recording, QTP will record the wrong index for a DataGrid. During playback, QTP is not able to select anything in the DataGrid at all. I've tried adding ids to the data and setting the automationName in the flex code. I've also done the same with the item renderer for the data (using different ids and automationNames of course).

Anything else I can try?

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We are using IE6.0, FlexBuilder 3, and Flex 3.x SDK. Our app is a full Flex front end with a PHP backend. We also use Windows XP Pro, and QTP 9.5. Now, in my QTP/Flex research, I have heard that QTP 9.5 won't work well with IE7, and that you might try a clean uninstall of QTP 9.5, and install QTP 9.2 instead. (Or, roll back to IE6, with QTP
If you do opt to uninstall QTP, you might want to follow these instructions on achieving a "QTP-clean" machine:
1. Back up any existing QTP scripts and your Registry.
2. Uninstall QTP via Control Panel> Add/Remove Programs.
3. Open the Registry via Regedit. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software, and also HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mercury Interactive: remove any folders/keys including the words "Mercury Interactive".
4. Download and run the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility located at:;290301
Verify that there are no instances of QTP ("Mercury Interactive") on your system.
5. Reboot system.
6. Reinstall QTP.

Also, I understand that QTP 10 is coming out soon, but at this point, it's anyone's guess as to the best compatible versions for that one!
Try those options and let me know how it goes. Good luck!


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I am currently running at all of the same settings. The problem is with recording in flex. I can record, I just have problems with certain controls.
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Seraph, we too have issues with various controls. Adobe (Flex) docs say that any control in the TEAflex.html doc (Installed with the Flex components) is supported, but HP says that only HP-created or native QTP components are supported. I think that HP and Adobe need to collaborate more closely and publish a definitive document stating exactly which Flex controls are supported by which version of QTP and Flex Plug-in for QTP.

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