Hi ,the below code is giving syntax errors like "Expected Statement","expectd end of statement".but I feel the code is correct.can anyone please double check the code and correct me if am wrong.please solve this ASAP.
If BrowserObject.Webtable("micclass:=WebTable","html id:="&strWebtableID).exist Then
intColCount = BrowserObject.Webtable("micclass:=WebTable","html id:="&strWebtableID).columncount
msgbox intcolcount
Set oDesc = Description.Create()
oDesc("micclass").Value = "Link"
Dim myarray1()
Set EditCollection = BrowserObject.Webtable("micclass:=WebTable","html id:="&strWebtableID).ChildObjects(oDesc)
NumberOfEdits = EditCollection.Count
ReDim myarray1(NumberOfEdits)
If NumberOfEdits <> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone,"Child Objects","No " &strObjClass& "object present in the current Page"
'Retrieving the values before Reset button clicked
For i = 0 To intColCount
If (EditCollection(i).GetROProperty("micclass") = strObjClass) Then
strFirstRow = BrowserObject.Webtable("micclass:=WebTable","html id:="&strWebtableID).GetCellData(2,i)
strSecondRow = BrowserObject.Webtable("micclass:=WebTable","html id:="&strWebtableID).GetCellData(3,i)
intComarision = strComp(strFirstRow,strFirstRow,1)
If intComarision = "0" then
Reporter.Reportevent micPass,"Sorting","Values are Eqaul"
j = 2
strFirstRow = BrowserObject.Webtable("micclass:=WebTable","html id:="&strWebtableID).GetCellData(J,i)
strSecondRow = BrowserObject.Webtable("micclass:=WebTable","html id:="&strWebtableID).GetCellData(j+1,i)
intComarision = strComp(strFirstRow,strFirstRow,1)
j =j+1
Loop until intComarision = "-1" or intComarision = "1"
else If intComarision = -1" Then
Reporter.Reportevent micPass,"Sorting","Values sorted Ascending Order"
else if intComarision = "1" Then
Reporter.Reportevent micPass,"Sorting","Values sorted Descending Order"
Reporter.Reportevent micDone,"Sorting","Comparision is failes"&intComarision
End If
end if
end if
end if