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Runtime Data question
Not Solved
1. I am connecting to an Oracle DB with an ADOB connection and running a SQL query to return the results back to the runtime datatable. This was the first issue I had trouble with that is now working.

2. As long as I only need one query ran and a single output sheet added to the datatable everything is fine. The problem arises when running 2 or more queries that add more sheets to the datatable. When I try to return the value of a cell in any of those sheets with this code:

OracleFormWindow("Advanced Pricing").OracleTabbedRegion("List Lines").OracleTable("LIST_LINES").EnterField 1, "Product Value", DataTable.GetSheet("output1").GetParameter("Segment1").Value

I get the following error:

The Sheet.GetParameter operation failed. The <Segment1> column does not exist.

I have ran some scripts and figured out that the sheets have been created and they have the correct number of parameters. I added my variables to the debug "add to watch" and I get the same error.

If I run the following code:

Sheetname = DataTable.LocalSheet.Name
'Reporter.ReportEvent 1, "The Active Sheet is", Sheetname

I get a return of the active sheet is "Action1"

My question is:

1. Is there a way to change the active runtime datatable sheet to the sheet I need to return the values from?

2. If not does anyone have any advice as to how to proceed.

I will include the code for the script below:

'Connect to Oracle DB and execute a SQL Query, then write the data to
'the QTP runtime datatable.

'Variables for the database connection
Dim adocon,adorecordset
'Create the Connection object
Set adocon=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
constr="Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Password=xxxx;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xxxx;Data Source=Dev"
adocon.Open constr
'Execute the SQL query
Set adorecordset=CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set adorecordset.ActiveConnection=adocon
Strsql="Select 'TEST PRICE LIST:' || to_char(sysdate,' MM-DD-YY HH:MM:SS') as PRICE_LST_NAME from Dual"
'Create the datatable to export the data
'Create an output sheet
Set outsheet=Datatable.Addsheet("output")
'Loop through each field to get the name to
'create the datable parameters
For each fld in adoRecordset.Fields
Do while Not adorecordset.EOF
    For each fld in adorecordset.Fields

'close the recordset object
'Destroy the recordset object
Set adorecordset = nothing

'close the database connection
'Destroy the connection object
Set adoCon = nothing

'Connect to Oracle DB and execute a SQL Query, then write the data to
'the QTP runtime datatable.

'Create the Connection object
Set adocon=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
constr="Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Password=xxxx;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xxxx;Data Source=Dev"
adocon.Open constr
'Execute the SQL query
Set adorecordset=CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set adorecordset.ActiveConnection=adocon
Strsql="SELECT Segment1, Quantity  FROM (Select Description, Enabled_Flag, A.Inventory_Item_Id, B.Inventory_Item_Id, Inventory_Item_Status_Code, Organization_Id, Segment1, Primary_Uom_Code, Primary_Unit_Of_Measure,(Case When B.Conversion_Rate Is Null Then 1 Else B.Conversion_Rate End) Quantity, B.Uom_Code, B.Unit_Of_Measure From  Mtl_System_Items_B A Left Outer Join Mtl_Uom_Conversions B On (A.Inventory_Item_Id = B.Inventory_Item_Id) Where -1= -1 And (Organization_Id = 356 Or   Organization_Id = 359 Or   Organization_Id = 591) AND (ITEM_TYPE =('LNV_FGM') OR ITEM_TYPE =('LNV_FGB'))And Enabled_Flag = 'Y' And Inventory_Item_Status_Code = 'Active' ORDER BY dbms_random.value ) WHERE rownum = 1"
'Create the datatable to export the data
'Create an output sheet
Set outsheet=Datatable.Addsheet("output1")
'Loop through each field to get the name to
'create the datable parameters
For each fld in adoRecordset.Fields
Do while Not adorecordset.EOF
    For each fld in adorecordset.Fields

'close the recordset object
'Destroy the recordset object
Set adorecordset = nothing

'close the database connection
'Destroy the connection object
Set adoCon = nothing

Dim objIE
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIE.visible = True
objIE.navigate ""
objIE.statusbar = 1
Wait 3
Browser("Oracle Applications Home").Page("Login").WebEdit("username").Set "xxxx"
Browser("Oracle Applications Home").Page("Login").WebEdit("password").SetSecure "xxxxx"
Browser("Oracle Applications Home").Page("Login").Image("Login").Click
Browser("Oracle Applications Home").Page("Oracle Applications Home_4").Link("LNV Pricing Super User").Click
Browser("Oracle Applications Home").Page("Oracle Applications Home_5").Link("Price List Setup").Click
Browser("Oracle Applications 11i").Page("Oracle Applications 11i_2").Sync
Browser("Oracle Applications Home").Page("Oracle Applications Home_5").Sync
OracleFormWindow("Advanced Pricing").OracleTabbedRegion("Main").OracleTextField("Name").Enter "ADV ALL BLADES & BURS"
OracleFormWindow("Advanced Pricing").PressToolbarButton "Clear Record"
OracleFormWindow("Advanced Pricing").OracleTabbedRegion("Main").OracleTextField("Name").Enter DataTable.GetSheet("output").GetParameter("PRICE_LST_NAME").Value
OracleFormWindow("Advanced Pricing").OracleTabbedRegion("Main").OracleTextField("Description").Enter "QTP Test"
OracleFormWindow("Advanced Pricing").OracleTabbedRegion("Main").OracleTextField("Effective Dates").OpenDialog
OracleCalendar("Calendar").Enter "15-NOV-2010"
OracleFormWindow("Advanced Pricing").OracleTabbedRegion("Main").OracleTextField("-").OpenDialog
OracleCalendar("Calendar").Enter "15-APR-2011"
OracleFormWindow("Advanced Pricing").OracleTabbedRegion("Main").OracleTextField("Multi-Currency Conversion").OpenDialog
OracleListOfValues("Multi Currency Conversion").Select "Generated Currency Conversion For USD 2002"
OracleFormWindow("Advanced Pricing").OracleTabbedRegion("List Lines").OracleTable("LIST_LINES").OpenDialog 1,"Product Context"
OracleFormWindow("Advanced Pricing").OracleTabbedRegion("List Lines").OracleTable("LIST_LINES").OpenDialog 1,"Product Attribute"
OracleListOfValues("Product Attributes").Select "Item Number"
OracleFormWindow("Advanced Pricing").OracleTabbedRegion("List Lines").OracleTable("LIST_LINES").EnterField 1, "Product Value", DataTable.GetSheet("output1").GetParameter("Segment1").Value
OracleFormWindow("Advanced Pricing").OracleTabbedRegion("List Lines").OracleTable("LIST_LINES").EnterField 1, "Value", "35.00"
OracleFormWindow("Advanced Pricing").OracleTabbedRegion("List Lines").OracleTable("LIST_LINES").OpenDialog 1,"Start Date"
OracleCalendar("Calendar").Enter "15-NOV-2010"
OracleFormWindow("Advanced Pricing").OracleTabbedRegion("List Lines").OracleTable("LIST_LINES").OpenDialog 1,"End Date"
OracleCalendar("Calendar").Enter "15-APR-2011"
OracleFormWindow("Advanced Pricing").OracleTabbedRegion("List Lines").OracleTable("LIST_LINES").SetFocus 1,"[ ]"
OracleFlexWindow("Additional Info for List").OracleTextField("DM FLOOR").Enter "1"
OracleFlexWindow("Additional Info for List").Approve
OracleFormWindow("Advanced Pricing").SelectMenu "File->Save"
OracleFormWindow("Advanced Pricing").SelectMenu "File->Exit Oracle Applications"
Browser("Oracle Applications 11i").Page("Oracle Applications 11i_2").Sync
Browser("Oracle Applications 11i").CloseAllTabs
Browser("Oracle Applications Home").Page("Oracle Applications Home_5").Link("Logout").Click
Browser("Oracle Applications Home").Page("Login_2").Sync
Browser("Oracle Applications Home").CloseAllTabs

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