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Rounding with "." decimals
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Hi, I notice that round only works with ",", if the decimal part is separated with "." it doesn´t work.


Is there any function that works with both decimal systems? And a function that works with "."?

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Hi pjeigenn,
I did not understand your question?
Rounding decimal should work, and the syntax is like this:
Round(expression[, numdecimalplaces])
tt=Round(100.456) 'tt contains now 100
tt=Round(100.456, 2) 'tt contains now 100.46
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Round works correctly for both "," and "." depending on the regional setting of the system. check your regional setting at Control panel.

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Hi Saket,
I have changed the regional setting to Spanish, but it did not work for me, how should be the syntax for that?
I have tried with following, it gives me syntax error.
tt=Round(123456789,1234) 'here ',' works as decimal
msgbox tt
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as I can remeber, there are some other settings too. I will see if I can get that.
may be pjeigenn can help us, to get it quickly.

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I am looking for the settings you said, I have windows 7.
With "," it works properly, for "." it doesn´t.
If I manage to solve the problem i will post the solution...
I am looking my problem, and it is weird.
round(100.0)=100 -> It works properly

v_MontoAdhesion=Browser("Browser").Page("Page_10").WebTable("Empresa").GetCellData(filas-2,4) =" 100.0"
v_MontoAdhesion=trim(Browser("Browser").Page("Page_10").WebTable("Empresa").GetCellData(filas-2,4))= "100.0"
round(v_MontoAdhesion)=1000 -> ¿?

Don´t know what´s going on

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