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QTP not recording the test steps
Not Solved
I just started learning QTP and using QTP 11.0 trial version on my windows 7 pc.

When i try to record simple google search or gmail login function, QTP is not recording the steps in keyword/expert views. After I stopped recording, i could only see the last step "Window("Windows Internet Explorer").Close".

One more point I noticed is if I move the web page (In this case google search page) those steps are being recorded as below.

"Window("Windows Internet Explorer").Move 349,226
Window("Windows Internet Explorer").Move 183,242"

But any of other steps like text entered in search box, and click on search step etc..are not being recorded.

Why is this happening? Please help.
Not Solved
What is your IE version??

Not Solved
I am having the same issue. REcording a test by opening & entering search and clicking the buttton but in expert view all it shows is

Window("Windows Internet Explorer_2").Close

1)Browser opening google
2)editbox search word entered

above two steps are missing..

I tried this
tools->options->web->advanced->under record settings "checked" ->use standard windows mouse buttons on click , mouse down and up

and then the vbscript improved to

Window("Windows Internet Explorer_4").WinEdit("Edit").SetSelection 0,59
Window("Windows Internet Explorer_4").WinEdit("Edit").Set ""
Window("Windows Internet Explorer_4").WinEdit("Edit").Type  micReturn
Window("Windows Internet Explorer_4").Close

Can someone help?
Not Solved

Same prob

can anyone help..unable to record the Test steps..only browser close and minimize and maximize are being recorded ..

Plz help

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