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QTP does not record the first step of open filight reservation application.
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Hi Ankur,
I am new to QTP. I am learing to record the flight application in qtp11 demo version having windows 7.I am unable to record the first step of open filight reservation application. It starts recording only from the second step -Agent name and PW.So, when I run the script if fails.Pls advice how to make this script to run.

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Hi Blossoms,

You can use one of the given alternative:

1) Go To :
Automation -> Record & Run Settings -> Select the radio button "Open the following address when record or run begins" -> Enter the URL of the website

2) Use the SystemUtil.Run

Please let me know if it does not work.

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Ankur, I tried your suggestions and still it does not record the system Util Line. Let me know if there is any other settings that needs to be changed.

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You just have to change a setting

Automation -> Record & Run Settings ->Select window application->Record and run test on any open window based application

now it will work
your first step of recording will be like this in expert view

Window("Program Manager").WinListView("SysListView32").Activate "Flight"
Not Solved

I am using QTP 11 trial version and even I am facing the same issue. QTP does not record when the flight reservation (windows) application is opened, meaning, does not capture SystemUtil object.

I am working on windows 7 and need to get this to working asap. Please help.

Thanks in advance.


Forgot to add to the previous post.. I followed the steps mentioned in this thread, but still, the SystemUtil object does not show up..

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SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe" 'check the path in its properties
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I have seen this problem many times. I loged off from my user a/c and loged in again. It woked for me. I am using 10.0 ver. when you login make sure to select Record button -> "Record and run test on any open window based application" -> OK button and start recording.

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Hi to all....

One possible reason according to me is that the default installation directory was changed during installation.

Also you will encounter this issue in 64bit OS.

I am also facing this issue and hope will be able to resolve it asap.

Will post the solution soon.
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Hi all,
Could anybody find the solution to this problem? I am new to QTP and facing the same problem. The path is not being recorded for flight application. I am using QTP 11.0 version and it has been defaulted to C:/ProgramFiles(x86)/...
Is this the reason for the path not getting recorded?
Is there a way to change this path to C:/ProgramFiles/...?

I need the solution urgently as I am looking for a new job in Software testing. Please help me with this solution.

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Did you got the solution now Blossoms??

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