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QTP Siebel: execution issue when form applet button invokes browser dialog box
Not Solved
Hi All,

I have created QTP script for siebel application where I need to click on a form applet button which opens WebBrowser dialog box. After this I need to click on Ok button on the dialog box.
I am facing issue while execution - QTP executes the code for clicking the button and dialog box opens, but QTP remains on same line of code for clicking the button. It seems that QTP is identify that button was clicked.
When I manually click on the Ok button on the dialog box, then QTP moves to the next step.
Can anyone please reply if you know the resolution for this issue. I am not able to figure out why its happening and how to proceed.

Not Solved
Not sure but some things to try...
Try forcing the focus onto the button or the window.
Run the script till it stops then NOT clicking on the button. Open the Object repository and see if QTP can identify the window / button in question. It may be that the window/ button identity changes with each opening
Not Solved
Hi, Anyone please help me... I am facing the similar issue.

When i click on button and pop appears... QTP get stuck at the same click line.

Need help urgent.

Thanks in advance.

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