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QTP Execution Problem
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Hi guys,
I am using QTP10.0,windows7.
I have implemented a project in Hybrid Frame work.
I have a Problem in QTP Script Execution.
I execute the scenarios by using Task Scheduler.(Every day at 7:30 AM)
from Past 3 days while executing the scenarios it is repeatedly executing first 12 steps in first scenario only.
In the 12th line I have code related to upload Image. After setting the Path it is not clicking on Open button.that time qtp is waiting for some time and it skiping to First line and it starting executing from line 1.
and without using task scheduler i'm not getting any Problem.
how can i resolve this issue?
Do I need to do any IE settings for closing the window automatically after setting the path.
Please Share your thoughts ASAP.
Kindly refer screenshot.

Attached Files Image(s)
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sorry to say your question / problem is not purely clear.....r u running more than one script by scheduler?????from which some steps of first script is running repeatedly ?????

is dat so????then open that test and check the test is running for how many itaration from settings-->Run tab....or else be clear abt the problem....
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I think you could not understand my Question.I execute more than one script.
In the first script i'm getting i can't Proceed further.
Setting Every thing is fine. I have done the settings for one iteration only.
Refer screen shot for understanding Question.
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Just a thought, but is the schedular running with the correct OS permissions?

So the running program has permissions to access the file system.
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If it is throwing such kind of error, it should throw same error without using any batch and directlry executing in qtp environment!
Fix it there first and then schedule it.

And if it goes to first step of action from there means you have set "run on all iterations" mode with some rows in global sheet
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**QTP is opened in Read only mode when we used Scheduler**
Hi Friends,
When we are using Task Scheduler to open QTP, QTP opened in Read only mode, Due to that reason if object is not identified in the application again QTP went to again first step of the script. But if we are executing scripts without scheduler, QTP opened in Normal mode. We are getting problem when we are using Task scheduler. Is it possible to open QTP in Normal mode by using scheduler.
Can you please share your thoughts..!

Please look into the attached screen shot

Attached Files Image(s)
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create a separate thread for your problem
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My problem and nelmanoj problem are same. He is my team mate, So thats why i have added this issue in this thread
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Not sure, but it may be the code used to launch the test that the scheduler runs. Check it for the option to open the test in normal mode or write a custom QTP test opener in VBscript.
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ok create a simple script with only one line of code
msgbox "hello" and schedule it, check if this also show in read only mode? If no, your test is being accessed by some other user in some machine

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