I have freshly installed QTP 11.0 last week on a Windows Seven 64 bits plateform and I am trying to use it by converting and modifying some QTP tests from my older 9.2/9.5 versions (as also trying to make new ones).
I have an issue with the SystemUtil.Run command : it is not catched when recording.
Nevertheless it works if I write "SystemUtil.Run ..." in Expert View but I would like it to be also added/catched in my tests when recording.
I have checked the QTP help about SystemUtil.Run, it says : Note: A SystemUtil.Run statement is automatically added to your test when you run an application from the Start menu or the Run dialog box while recording a test.
I also checked the menu Tools --> Options --> Windows Applications --> Advanced --> Record settings --> Utility object : "Record SystemUtil.Run commands" is selected.
The following patches have been installed :
- QTP_00709 (Fixes for QTP 11.0)
- RRV_00013 (Fixes for QTReport 11.0)
- QTPWEB_00078 (Fixes for IE9 support)
I have also tried these threads but nothing helps :
Could you please help or advise ? Maybe I missed something ...