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Solved: 11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks ago Rolleyes 
Hi all,

I have one doubt in QTP. In my form the are two ways to enter the details. one way is we can select id from the drop down list. The particular id details wil be retrived from the data base and displayed in the form. The another way is have to give the manual data in the form.

Now the problem is i am recording this form in Low level recording bcoz QTP cant able to recognize the object. I am recoding this form in two ways. One way to select the id, the details for that particular id wil be displayed automatically. Then the save button should be clicked to go to the next page.

While i am running this script , its going fine and good. In the second way, have to enter the manual datas. I have recorded by giving the manual datas in Low level recording. While running the test , in this case it stop testing untill the manual action what i have recorded, its not performing the next step "click the save button".Then showing the result as failed.

What was the problem? In the first way my test is success and in the second way it fails to do the last step. Why it happens like this? Whats the reason? How to solve this problem?

Can you plz answer to my questions..... Waiting for your reply. Thanks in advance.

Solved: 11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Hi Preetha,
What is the error you are getting? As you have recorded in Low level, all the clicks get recorded with the coordinated where you have clicked at the time of recording. Make sure that the coordinates of the Save button are proper. Also try using the same line for save button that you have recorded in the first way. Also check the properties of the button.
Solved: 11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks ago

I am not getting the error. if i run the test it runs until i recorded after that it cannot performing the button click function. At that time if i view the oject property it just showing Browser:Browser, PageTongueage ..

Solved: 11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Put some wait there before the step of click on save button. it should be depending on the time required to enter data manually.

by the way, what are these objects which QTP can not identify and forces you to go for Low Level recording?

Solved: 11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks ago

k let me try by using wait() before clicking save. Some times QTP fails to recognize objects. we cant able to find the object in the OR. In tat case need to go for Low Level Recording. In my form text boxes , dropdown list , and buttons cannot able to recognize by the QTP. so I choose Low Level Recording.

Solved: 11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks ago

Now i am facing with new problem, can any one help me to solve my problem.. Is OR allows us to use dynamic link in qtp.. if yes how to use it..

In my test i have to mention that how many booking have been made in today.. so developers made the link as follows,

33 Bookings - were 33 is the no of booking made in that particular day..

If i click that link i can able to view the booking details for that 33 Bookings.. If i delete a booking or create a booking the count for booking will be decremented or incremented according to the task..

If i record the test for 33 bookings link. while i run the test it showing error because now the booking link have udpated as 32 or 34..

Whats the solution for this case? plz help me its urgent... Thanks in advance...

Solved: 11 Years, 6 Months, 3 Weeks ago
always create a new thread for the new query rather diverting the orignial query.

for answer to your question, try regularizing the link object in OR. search this forum, I am sure this has been discussed many times before.


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