I have a weblist, i need to select multiple items in the weblist.
Manually i can do in the application by pressing shift key.
i am using the below code
The above code does not work. it does not select multiple items.
The datasheet column:operating system has values
windows and imac.
but the above code selects only windows, how to select multiple items.
Any help will be really appreciated.
I have a weblist, i need to select multiple items in the weblist.
Manually i can do in the application by pressing shift key.
i am using the below code
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.SendKeys "{SHIFT}"
Browser("browser").page("page").WebList("name:=operatingSystems").Select datatable.Value("OperatingSystems",oSheetName)
set WshShell = Nothing
The datasheet column:operating system has values
windows and imac.
but the above code selects only windows, how to select multiple items.
Any help will be really appreciated.