Hi All,
A very stange thing is happinig when i m tring to use dynamic code in my project
Here is my code
i want to check whether this link exists or not
It says object does not exist
when i m using repository for this its working fine in following case
can anyone suggest whats wrong?
One more point the following code works fine in the same script
A very stange thing is happinig when i m tring to use dynamic code in my project
Here is my code
i want to check whether this link exists or not
browser("name:=.*").page("title:=.*").Link("html tag:=A","text:=+(91)-22-67732000","class:=ctc f13").exist
It says object does not exist
when i m using repository for this its working fine in following case
can anyone suggest whats wrong?
One more point the following code works fine in the same script
browser("name:=.*").page("title:=.*").WebElement("html tag:=A","class:=jdv","index:=0").Exist