I am new to QTP. Need help on excel datatable operations.
I have 4 excel files in a folder. I need to convert all excel files to CSV.
I have written below code, but somehow it wont work. getting error message as "Open method of Workbooks class failed".
Please find below my code:
Option Explicit
Dim TotRow,i,ExcelObj,Sourcefile,TargetFile
TotRow = DataTable.LocalSheet.GetRowCount
For i = 1 To TotRow
Set ExcelObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
ExcelObj.DisplayAlerts = False
ExcelObj.Visible = False
'' Sourcefile = Datatable("SourceFile",dtlocalsheet)
'' TargetFile = Datatable("TargetFile",dtlocalsheet)
ExcelObj.Workbooks.Open Datatable("SourceFile",dtlocalsheet)
ExcelObj.SaveAs Datatable("TargetFile",dtlocalsheet)
Datatable Details:
Sourcefile [i]TargetFile[/i]
C:\QTP\ExpectedReports\a.xlsx C:\QTP\ExpectedReports\a.csv
C:\QTP\ExpectedReports\b.xlsx C:\QTP\ExpectedReports\b.csv
C:\QTP\ExpectedReports\c.xlsx C:\QTP\ExpectedReports\c.csv
C:\QTP\ExpectedReports\d.xlsx C:\QTP\ExpectedReports\d.csv
Please Note: If I provide full path of sourcefile and targetfile then code works. but I don't want to enter those each time as there are 1000 of files in a folder which I need to concert to CSV.
I am new to QTP. Need help on excel datatable operations.
I have 4 excel files in a folder. I need to convert all excel files to CSV.
I have written below code, but somehow it wont work. getting error message as "Open method of Workbooks class failed".
Please find below my code:
Option Explicit
Dim TotRow,i,ExcelObj,Sourcefile,TargetFile
TotRow = DataTable.LocalSheet.GetRowCount
For i = 1 To TotRow
Set ExcelObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
ExcelObj.DisplayAlerts = False
ExcelObj.Visible = False
'' Sourcefile = Datatable("SourceFile",dtlocalsheet)
'' TargetFile = Datatable("TargetFile",dtlocalsheet)
ExcelObj.Workbooks.Open Datatable("SourceFile",dtlocalsheet)
ExcelObj.SaveAs Datatable("TargetFile",dtlocalsheet)
Datatable Details:
Sourcefile [i]TargetFile[/i]
C:\QTP\ExpectedReports\a.xlsx C:\QTP\ExpectedReports\a.csv
C:\QTP\ExpectedReports\b.xlsx C:\QTP\ExpectedReports\b.csv
C:\QTP\ExpectedReports\c.xlsx C:\QTP\ExpectedReports\c.csv
C:\QTP\ExpectedReports\d.xlsx C:\QTP\ExpectedReports\d.csv
Please Note: If I provide full path of sourcefile and targetfile then code works. but I don't want to enter those each time as there are 1000 of files in a folder which I need to concert to CSV.