ISSUE: I want to click on the radiobox on the third row of the table based on the "Sitename" value passed as an argument - for all the 4 tabs - Access Pricing, Port Pricing, CPE Pricing, Miscellaneous Pricing - on the application page [Screenshot attached]
WHAT WORKS: It works only for Access Pricing tab
WHAT DOESNT WORK: The remaining tabs
ERROR: rows = -1 is shown as the value for the remaining tabs when debugged (line number 3)
Any idea why this happens?
WHAT WORKS: It works only for Access Pricing tab
WHAT DOESNT WORK: The remaining tabs
ERROR: rows = -1 is shown as the value for the remaining tabs when debugged (line number 3)
Classic_Sitename = DataTable.Value("Classic_SiteName", Global)
row = Browser("IPSDK WEB GUI (Search)").Page("Customer Info").Frame("PricingSummary").WebTable(sitetable).GetRowWithCellText(Classic_Sitename)
msgbox row
Set View = Browser("IPSDK WEB GUI (Search)").Page("Customer Info").Frame("PricingSummary").WebTable(sitetable).ChildItem(row,1,"WebRadioGroup", 0)
The text (AMSTERDAMBRANCH) appears fine/correctly for all the tabs in the same position(row 3, col 3).
Any idea why this happens?