In my Excel sheet The first row i am having heading,
2and 3 rd row I am having values.
I am importing this excel sheet to local data sheet.
My script is like this,
Really I dont want to open this Excel again and again,thatwhy,I started using import method.Eventhough import method works for me,for selecting all the rows I need to set up for loop and its relative objects...
So again I am using the following command which opens the Excel sheet.
How to use the Xl sheet rows with out opening the excel sheet?
Any help?
In my Excel sheet The first row i am having heading,
2and 3 rd row I am having values.
I am importing this excel sheet to local data sheet.
My script is like this,
Set xlWrkbk = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\ListMan.xls")
'Set xlWrksht= xlWrkbk.Worksheets("MyLi-Loc")
For iRow = 2 to xlWrkSht.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Really I dont want to open this Excel again and again,thatwhy,I started using import method.Eventhough import method works for me,for selecting all the rows I need to set up for loop and its relative objects...
So again I am using the following command which opens the Excel sheet.
Set xlWrkbk = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\ListMan.xls").
How to use the Xl sheet rows with out opening the excel sheet?
Any help?