The Descriptive programming code i used
Here Menu bar has Selling tab, when we mouse over on it we get a drop down where we need to select Company profiles Option to navigate to that page.
When iam recording a running script the run is successful
But using descriptive programming iam unable to do it
so i navigated to Company profile page using
And Iam successfully
How can i write the code for moseover on Selling tab and selecting the Company profile option
Please find the screenshots of application and object spy info for the SELLING tabin the attachemnt
The Descriptive programming code i used
Browser("Q.Central Login").Page("My Accounts").WebElement("Selling").FireEvent "onmouseover"
Browser("Q.Central Login").Page("My Accounts").WebElement("Opportunities").Click
Browser("Q.Central Login").Page("Opportunities").Image("Oppurtunities").Click
Here Menu bar has Selling tab, when we mouse over on it we get a drop down where we need to select Company profiles Option to navigate to that page.
When iam recording a running script the run is successful
But using descriptive programming iam unable to do it
so i navigated to Company profile page using
Browser("name:= MyQcentral").Navigate"Link"
How can i write the code for moseover on Selling tab and selecting the Company profile option
Please find the screenshots of application and object spy info for the SELLING tabin the attachemnt