I have a VB script for Dropdown list which select the values (yes or no) from the Data table. but the requirement changed the Dropdown list to Check box. for an example : yes I have to check , else uncheck.
I have attached my script for Dropdwon list. If anyone can help me how to change this script to check box for same scenario?
Scenario: every time I add new driver I will get this dropdown list for each drive, hence my script have a loop for adding each driver and selecting Dropdown list value for each driver.
I am using QTP 9.5
I have a VB script for Dropdown list which select the values (yes or no) from the Data table. but the requirement changed the Dropdown list to Check box. for an example : yes I have to check , else uncheck.
I have attached my script for Dropdwon list. If anyone can help me how to change this script to check box for same scenario?
Set oWebList = Description.Create
oWebList ("name").value = "XYZ" & i
oWebList ("name").RegularExpression = false
oWebList ("html tag").value = "SELECT"
Disabled=Browser("Browser").Page("Drivers").WebList(oWebList).GetROProperty ("disabled")
If Disabled = "0" Then
Browser("Browser").Page("Drivers").WebList(oWebList).Select Datatable.Value ("Order" & i, dtlocalSheet)
End If
Scenario: every time I add new driver I will get this dropdown list for each drive, hence my script have a loop for adding each driver and selecting Dropdown list value for each driver.
I am using QTP 9.5