I am trying to split an array but I am not sure what string parameter should I use?
arrPV = Split(arrPV,",")
QTP is not liking the first parameter. I can see why since it is the array name: arrPV
What can I use?
Is there a ToString function I can use with arrays?
arrPV = Split(arrPV,",")
QTP is not liking the first parameter. I can see why since it is the array name: arrPV
What can I use?
Is there a ToString function I can use with arrays?
Public Function createSingleObj(t,arrPV)
Set o = Description.Create
o("micclass").Value = t
arrPV = Split(arrPV,",")
For iLoop = 0 to UBound(arrPV)
Prop= Split(arrPV(iLoop),":=")(0)
Val= Split(arrPV(iLoop),":=")(1)
o(Prop).Value = Val
Set createSingleObj = o
End Function