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Function That Creates WebLink Variables
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I am thinking of doing something I am not sure if it is possible - perhaps not the best practice even, but nonetheless want to give it a try.

I have a function library and I have the action in which I do the main scripting, obviously calling functions from the library. 

Originally in my action, the code looked something like this:


I have, however, changed it to this:

    Set WebLink = Browser("Browser").Page("Page")

I did this because i feel that it has a cleaner look with "less" code in each line. 

I know that I can code a function to do this:

    Public Function myLink(WebLink)
    Set WebLink = Browser("Browser").Page("Page")
    End Function

Then in my action, I do a call just once at the top:

    Call myLink(WebLink)

However, I was thinking that in some instances, I would have different page names, for example:


So perhaps, creating a function that would store my variables and then I am able to call the variables could be an alternative.

My function could look like this:

Public Function myLinks(WebLink)
    Dim Pages(): Pages = ("Login","CreateUser","SelectOption","DeleteUser",)
    For Each Elem In Pages
        Set WebLink = Browser("Browser").Page(Pages())
    End For
    End Function

Then in my action, I use it like this:

Call myLinks(WebLink)

I know that what I have is probably illogical but if something like this could perhaps work, I would like to give it a try.
Not Solved
Except perhaps things in the later part, I don't find issue with the script above. What is stopping you to use this?
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(07-12-2018, 08:33 PM)Ankur Wrote: Except perhaps things in the later part, I don't find issue with the script above. What is stopping you to use this?

Thank you for the reply. I wasn't able to test this the other day, so I was wondering what the community would have to say about whether it would work or not. I do believe I can get it to work, so will update the post at a later stage Smile
Not Solved
Yeah, it's good to validate our thought process at times. Smile

Feel free to ask your queries over here in case you get stuck! All the best.
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