Hi ,
I have created a database in MSaccess(.mdb).while i connecting in the qtp .Its giving error
My issue is i want to conenct to db and retrive one table and its value in the external excel sheet or datatable
my code :
while runing its stopping at second line .i think my connection string is wrong .hw can i get the correct connection string for .mdb file.
pls help
I have created a database in MSaccess(.mdb).while i connecting in the qtp .Its giving error
My issue is i want to conenct to db and retrive one table and its value in the external excel sheet or datatable
my code :
set a=createobject('Odbc.connection")
a.open provider="my connection string"
set b =createobject('Odbc.recordset")
b.open "select * from employees",a
while runing its stopping at second line .i think my connection string is wrong .hw can i get the correct connection string for .mdb file.
pls help