10-01-2009, 03:24 PM
I am looking at upgrading the below script for comparing two excel sheets in a way that the differences will be highlightled only when the data in the cells differ after three decimal places.
example: cell 1 --- 3.00123; cell 2--- 3.00132
I don't want to hightlight the above difference as there is no difference upto three decimals.
Any quick response is much appreciated.
many thanks in advance.
I am looking at upgrading the
I am looking at upgrading the below script for comparing two excel sheets in a way that the differences will be highlightled only when the data in the cells differ after three decimal places.
example: cell 1 --- 3.00123; cell 2--- 3.00132
I don't want to hightlight the above difference as there is no difference upto three decimals.
Any quick response is much appreciated.
many thanks in advance.
I am looking at upgrading the
Function excel_comp
expectedfolder = environment("expfld")
actualfolder = environment("actfld")
difffolder = environment("difffld")
Dim fso, f, fc, f1
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.GetFolder(expectedfolder)
Set fc = f.Files
For Each f1 in fc
expectedfile = expectedfolder + f1.name
actualfile = actualfolder + replace(f1.Name,".xls","a.xls")
Set WSShell = CreateObject("WScript.shell")
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Visible = false
Set objWorkbook2= objExcel.Workbooks.Open(expectedfile)
Set objWorkbook1= objExcel.Workbooks.Open(actualfile)
If WScount1<>WScount2 Then
WSShell.Popup "Number of worksheets in file 1 is not equal to Number of worksheets in file 2", 2
For I = 1 To WScount1
Set objWorksheet1= objWorkbook1.Worksheets(I)
Set objWorksheet2= objWorkbook2.Worksheets(I)
For Each cell In objWorksheet1.UsedRange
If cell.Value <> objWorksheet2.Range(cell.Address).Value Then
cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlights in red color if any changes in cells
ObjExcel.displayAlerts = False
objWorkbook1.SaveAs difffolder + f1.name
cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
End If
ObjExcel.displayAlerts = False
Set objWorksheet1= Nothing
Set objWorksheet2= Nothing
End if
Set objExcel=Nothing
end function