I am trying to create a checkpoint on a web page that looks for a text string "Login Failure". This is only a part of the entire text string.
Using Standard Checkpoint, I created:
But this step fails no matter what I have tried.
I thought I wshould try GetROProperty but I am not sure how to use this.
Does anyone have a suggestion on what I should try? My end result is to use an If.. Then...ElseIf statement to determine which action to take.
Any thoughts/ideas or suggestions would be great.
Using Standard Checkpoint, I created:
Browser("WisdomLogin").Page("WisdomLogin").WebElement("Login Failure.").Check CheckPoint("Login Failure.")
I thought I wshould try GetROProperty but I am not sure how to use this.
Does anyone have a suggestion on what I should try? My end result is to use an If.. Then...ElseIf statement to determine which action to take.
Any thoughts/ideas or suggestions would be great.