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fullscreen and bitmap checkpoint error "Cannot create bitmap checkpoint"
Not Solved
Good afternoon

I am working on a web application in IE 6.
I wish to assure me that to Open the application, I am in full screen

In this mode, I can not create bitmap checkpoint at the level of my "page".
Error description:
Logical name: page name
Class: Page
Cannot create bitmap checkpoint
Error non spécifée

In this mode, I can create a bitmap checkpoint on my object "Browser", but at runtime. My checkpoint is always failed.

1.There is a way to simulate clicking the maximize top button to the right of browser? (for not use fullscreen)
2. Why the checkpoint functional in fullscreen mode?

Thank you in advance.
Not Solved
what exactly you are trying to do? do you mean to say - you are not able to create a bitmap checkpoint when browser is in full screen mode?

Not Solved
My script open IE but my first problem is:
IE is not always open in full screen and I is not able to click the button to enlarge the window.
To resolve this problem I used "Fullscreen".

And then I want to be sure that my page exactly as expected. This is my second problem: I want to make a bitmap checkpoint.

1. Insert checkpoint > bitmap checkpoint
2. I clic on my object level "Page"
3. I have the error "Cannot create bitmap checkpoint"

If my IE is open in large, but not in full screen (F11), I have no problem.

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