Hello seniors
I am trying to do batch testing using AOM script, I got from GC Reddy video on youtube but it's not working when I run it on my system. Basically, I save the 3 tests on desktop, then stored test file paths in another notepad file and made a vbs file with this script and placed folder path of all tests in it. I am getting error on line 2, I am new to scripting I am from nonIT background, please help. GC Reddy video is this : AOM Script for Batch Testing
I am trying to do batch testing using AOM script, I got from GC Reddy video on youtube but it's not working when I run it on my system. Basically, I save the 3 tests on desktop, then stored test file paths in another notepad file and made a vbs file with this script and placed folder path of all tests in it. I am getting error on line 2, I am new to scripting I am from nonIT background, please help. GC Reddy video is this : AOM Script for Batch Testing
Quote:Dim objFso, objTextstream, objQTP
Set objFso = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Set objTextstream = objFso.OpenTextFile(C:\Users\333\Desktop\Script333.txt)
Set objQTP = CreateObject(“QuickTest.Application”)
Do Until
Test path = objTextstream.ReadLine
Set objQTP=Nothing
Set objTextstream=Nothing
Set objFso=Nothing