I have seen an umpteen no of posts in every QTP group I visited asking about Test Automation frameworks. Here I would like to collate the useful inputs i received from various QTP groups and discussion forums.
1) Key Word Driven Testing:
The Keyword Driven framework consists of the basic components given below
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
1. Control File a)Consists details of all the Test scenarios to be automated b)User will be able to select a specific scenario to execute based on turning on or off a flag in the Control File c) Control File is in the form of an excel worksheet and contains columns for Scenario ID,Execute (Y/N),Object Repository Path, Test Case File Path
2. Test Case File a)Contains the detailed steps to be carried out for the execution of a test case b) It is also in the form of an excel sheet and contains columns for Keyword, Object Name, Parameter
3. Startup Script a) The Starup script is utilised for the initialization and reads the control files b) It then calls the driver script to execute all the scenarios marked for execution in the control file
4. Driver Script a) It Reads the Test Case files. Checks the keywords and calls the appropriate utility script functions based on specific keyword b) Error Handling is taken care of in the driver script.
5. Utility Scripts a) Perform generic tasks that can be used across applications. It should not be application dependent Advantage of Framework.
- The main advantage of this framework is the low cost for maintenace. If there is change to any test case then only the Test Case File needs to be updated and the Driver Script and Startup script will remain the same.
- No need to update the scripts in case of changes to the application.
Keyword-driven testing is a Software testing technique that separates much of the programming work from the actual test steps so that the test steps can be developed earlier and can often be maintained with only minor updates, even when the application or testing needs change significantly.
2) Data-driven Testing:
Data-driven testing is a framework where test input and output values are read from data files (datapools, ODBC sources, csv files, Excel files, DAO objects, ADO objects, and such) and are loaded into variables in captured or manually coded scripts. In this framework, variables are used for both input values and output verification values. Navigation through the program, reading of the data files, and logging of test status and information are all coded in the test script.
Read Full article here
3) Modularity-driven testing
The test script modularity framework requires the creation of small, independent scripts that represent modules, sections, and functions of the application-under-test. These small scripts are then used in a hierarchical fashion to construct larger tests, realizing a particular test case.
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Hi Ankur,
I just need the guidelines to create a craft framework for selenium.
can you please tell from where i can start?
Hi Ankur,
i am looking for CRAFT framework, please let know if you have any idea.
Many more thanks
Hi Ankur,
2 years back , I saw a framework designed on this sight. But now that is not available, please send me the details of same. It used wpf components.Need you help in same
Hi Ankur,
You have given very helpfull information.
I need help from you. I need to develop datadriven framework for my project.I have knowledge abt how to develop datadriven for one testcase but i dont know how to develop datadriven framework for multiple testcases(Ex: 10 tc’s).
I dont know where to start and how to handle the tc’s and data how to track the results.
Can you please give me some guildlines to develop datadriven framework. If you tell me step by step flow then it will be more helpfull for me.
Thanks for the info, was very useful!!! 2012!
Hi Ankur,
Thanks for this informative article regarding the automation framework.
I have developed a small script which would start executing actions on the AUT depending on the flag in the Control sheet.
Now my QTP script would include a call to the driver script and then the control will flow To and fro the control sheet and the driver script.
The problem I am facing is the inclusion of the actions scripts in the QTP script. If I include them in the QTP script then the action will not run on basis of the control sheet they will be executed all the time. I am using the record and playback for creating the actions, so I would not prefer to save them as .vbs speperately.
can you suggest a better approach for physical location of the actions in qtp.
I am using a Hybrid framework. I am using my driver to
1) Open qtp
2) Take the TC’s to be executed (Excel)
3) Take test Data (From EXCEL)
4) Write my result into an EXCEl.
Is it possible for me integrate these all into QC and run it from QC?
Dipu Krishnan (dipudan@gmail.com)
Please send me the sample code of the one scenario atleast to understand Key word driven for web application. Also let me know the latest best approch other then it if any one has.
Hi Ankur,
Can you please send me a sample for Key word driven testing with all related files? I would like to implement the approach. Also, to compare between the Datadriven and Key word driven testing if you can send both it will be much appreciated. Please send it to Shaair2000@yahoo.com.
PS: if anyone else has received the information already please forward it to me at the address above.
Hi my name is Murali,
Can you please send any sample QTP framework.
Here ie my email address
Hi Ankur,
It is very useful meterial to know about framework for beginers like me.Thanks lot to u.
Can you send me one script with all the required file to run the script and how we can use this framework with an example.
Hello Ankur and All,
Can you please forward example files for below listed files. I am new to QTP and wants to learn about the automation framework
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
my id : smanduru@gmail.com
hi ankur
this is really very useful site for qtp questions.i have confusion regarding the test automation framework
is record/play a kind of framework and are we not using keyword driven framework in the form of keyword view
and if i use keyword driven automation framework is it necessary that i should know VB scripting
plz answer my questions on the mail id er_anumittal@rediffmail.com
i will be really thnkful to you
Hi Ankur,
I am being considered for the QTP automation project. I want to learn more about automation framework.
Could you please share documents on Framework(All types).
My id is satishldhage@gmail.com
Thanks in advance.
hello ankur,
i have implement the QTP hybride framework.
in this framewotk i am mainting folderstructure like
1.Script contents
2. Resuale components
3. Utility function
4. Global finction
5. Repository
is this right things if yes then please reply this on my mail id
hi ankur ,
i am unable to post the comments as i have not come across link new topic. had admin have not provided me permission . ihave created username and password .
vinay kumar
Thank you for such a wonderful and valuable information.
I need some help on test plan for any Automation project. Can anyone sand me the sample test plan for new Automation project?
Thanking you in advance,
Hi Ankur,
thank you for posting such valuable information. the blog is very informative and the best. I have been trying to learn QTP from long time but always get stuck at frameworks. can u please please mail me some examples and any other useful information that we should know while working on QTP.
Can u plz send scripts regarding components of Keyword driven framework.
my mail id is “dkumaronline@gmail.com”
Hi Ankur,
Please help me by sending the sample files for the below components.
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
Thanks in advance
It would be great if u forward some of the examples to my Email id jsenthilkumaran@gmail.com
Can u please give an example of framework for a simple scenario
My application is web page that has username and password and a login button
could u exemplify framework for this simple scenario taking into account all mentioned components ?
Hi Ankur,
Would you please send me some example so that I can have a understanding of keyword driven testing.My email id is prathima.alapati@gmail.com
Would you please send me some examples(files)so that i can have a clear understanding of keyword driven testing.
kindly mail me ,My ID prabas.panda@gmail.com
Hi Ankur,
Thankyou for the valuable information. Our company is going to implement keyword driven framework.
Please send me scripts and files on mission-it@hotmail.com
Hi Ankur,
I do have done some framework development using VB script but
not in QTP
The Keyword Driven framework consists of the basic components given below
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
It would be great if u forward some of the examples to my Email id darshannagaraj@gmail.com
Hello Ankur
Greate article. Could you please send me your files to learn more about the keyword driven view.
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
my id:
Many Thanks
Dude, excellent site and subject matter.
I’m like the rest; I would like a copy of the Keyword Driven framework files and an example. Please post to spamfilter1@hotmail.com, if you would be so kind.
Background: – Although I’m a bit rusty I have used QTP 8.0 a bit and had the Adv. training, don’t find it a particularly difficult tool to use and I find VBscript a relatively simple language to use. I’ve also got the VB database and Crystal reports skills as well.
Now what I doing; I’m currently using QTP 9.2 and Quality Centre 9.2 and it seems a few things have changed, especially this framework approach to Test Development. My approach with QTP 8.0 has been to capture a business process with the app I’m testing, go through the test and alter the script with the necessary conditional statements, error handling etc, and then add the data objects we need to work with to the Data Table. We have had tests run from QC 8.0 in the past, but this was setup by a Mercury partner consultant. So, I don’t really understand how to launch a test run from QC. This Keyword Driven framework is new to me and I don’t understand how the five component files need to be setup, which ones go where?
My current approach is to use the modularity framework for the simple components like logins to the app in question, accessing the report panel etc, and then use the Data-Driven framework for the more detailed sections, like selecting particular reports and providing multiple usernames. However, I see a lot of value in taking up the suggestions of people like Bret Pettichord, Keith Zambelich and Cem Kaner and remover the reliance on the Automation tool as much as possible, so I’m attempting to put some of the navigation data into the Data Table or other datapools. I then want to launch the test run from QC and generate clear detailed reports. Can this be done through the use of the Keyword Driven framework component files?
I am learning QTP self want to use the keyword driven framework.
Could you pls send an example with scripts.
What I mean is sample contents of each component and how to use them in our testing.
That wud be a grt help.
Here is my email id – shimoga_pradeep@rediffmail.com
Hi All,
I want to know which framework is better to implement, keydriven or the datadriven and why?
What are the benifits and drawbacks of these two frameworks?
Hello Ankur and All,
Can you please forward example files for below listed files. I am new to QTP and wants to learn about the automation framework
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
my id : neeshpal@hotmail.com
Thank You
Hi Ankur,
I started QTP implementation on new project. its a keyword framework. can u pls send me some scripts which are relate to the registration form as example. what are the conditions we can use.Pls send it to the below email id.my mail id is prasad.vengala@gmail.com
Hi Ankur,
I am Ashwini Kamath, I just wanted to know:
What is Qtp framework?
since qtp is keyworddriven functional testing tool, does it use keyworddriven testing framework,and that exactly is the framework of qtp?
i am sanjay and member of software test groups team in own compeny
can u provide me some of scripts and documents at folowing my mail ID
How can we implement universal frame work means frame work which is using for diff tools
if you have any idea pls throw idea
Good explanation abt keyword driven frame work.
I wanted know abt hybrid frame work what are all contains in it
I am new to this blog as well as to QTP Automation. some of our blogmembers requested you The Keyword Driven framework consists of the basic components given below
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
Can I get these sample Files and more Important Can I get Automation test Plan to below email velku_kk@yahoo.com.
Looking forward from you!
could you please let know about keyword driven automation framework with example …. I want to know how to deal with keyword entered into XLS file
Hi Ankur,
thank you for posting such valuable information. the blog is very informative and the best. I have been trying to learn QTP from long time but always get struck at frameworks. can u please please mail me some examples and any other useful information that we should know while working on QTP.
my mail id is cheppial.reddy@gmail.com
thak you very much in advance
hi Ankur !!!
this is the first time i have visited such an informative blog of urs with such a wide information parted across the qtp community. i really appreciate for your sincere efforts and experience in making such informative blog. i am a keen learner of qtp, what to learn alot from you and your exp.
i just read ur article on this so i would like to implement and learn in dept. so could u plz send me any samples of following files
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
I would be greatfull if u can send me a tutorial relating qtp 9.2 and 9.5 to this email. harishreddy7_79@yahoo.com or harish.babu@marlabs.com
Thanking in advance.
Appreciate for being such a great guide for information.
Hi Ankur,
I also know about keyword driven framework. Can you send me one script with all the required file to run the script.
Please send the files to this id : harishreddy7_79@yahoo.com or harish.babu@marlabs.com
Thanks in adavance.
Hi ankur !!..
hi Ankur !!!
this is the first time i have visited such an informative blog of urs with such a wide information parted across the qtp community. i really appreciate for your sincere efforts and experience in making such informative blog. i am a keen learner of qtp, what to learn alot from you and your exp.
i just read ur article on this so i would like to implement and learn in dept. so could u plz send me any samples of following files
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
I would be greatfull if u can send me a tutorial relating qtp 9.2 and 9.5 to this email. amritha.vijayan@gmail.com
Thanking in advance.
Appreciate for being such a great guide for information.
Amritha V
Hi ankur !!..
Please send me any samples of following files
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
My email id is dalsingh.azariah@gmail.com
Thanks in advance…
Hi ankur !!..
Please send me any samples of following files
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
My email id is ritu.kali1@gmail.com
Thanks in advance
Hi Ankur,
Thanks a lot for briefly explaining the different testing framework.
I am learning QTP self want to use the keyword driven framework.
Could you pls send an example with scripts.
What I mean is sample contents of each component and how to use them in our testing.
That wud be a grt help.
Here is my email id – shilpasom@gmail.com
This is really very useful information for the beginners. I am going to implement keyword driven framework in my company.
Please send me few scripts and files on sukhbirdhankhar@gmail.com
The Keyword Driven framework consists of the basic components given below
If you could send me few sample files on the following it is going to help me alot. Thanks in advance
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
Hi ankur !!..
Please send me any samples of following files
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
My email id is sumitnxt@gmail.com
Hi, Ankur!
Please send me few scripts and files on valeriamn2007@yahoo.com
The Keyword Driven framework consists of the basic components given below
If you could send me few sample files on the following it is going to help me a lot. Thanks in advance
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
Hi Ankur,
I started QTP implementation on new project. its a keyword framework. can u pls send me some scripts which are relate to the registration form as example. what are the conditions we can use for boundary value, equivalence test cases using data table.
Hi ankur,
Is it possilble for u to give scripted documents(model of frameworks-folder structre .doc)ZIP file to mail id vijaykbtest@gmail.com
hi ankur,
This is really very useful information for the beginners. I am going to implement keyword driven framework in my company.
Please send me few scripts and files on sirru2002@yahoo.com
The Keyword Driven framework consists of the basic components given below
If you could send me few sample files on the following it is going to help me alot. Thanks in advance
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
Hi Ankur,
I also know about keyword driven framework. Can you send me one script with all the required file to run the script.
Please send the files to this id : lio.edwin@gmail.com
Thanks in adavance.
Hi Ankur,
I want to know how this frame work works, if you can send those 5 basic files with a simple example, that would be a gr8 help for beginners like me to learn this framework. Pls send it to the below email id.
when doing tsting with negative data take an example, u-id & password with invalid inputs given from two excel coloms, QTP should take one by one input and should not stop as the input is invalid. It should go to test with the next invalid record. Like that till all the test data is completely executed in test and at the end a valid data to continue the test further.
In descriptive programming how to script accordingly could you please guide….
Ankur, I just want to see how this frame work works, if you can send those 5 basic files with a simple example, that would be a gr8 help for beginners like me to learn this framework. Pls send it to the below email id
hi Ankur!
i read the article of yours. As i have been asked to work on keyword driven framework
Please send me scripts and files on affablepreet@gmail.com
The Keyword Driven framework consists of the basic components given below
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
Thanks a ton in advance.. please send asap.
Hi Ankur,
can you please send me the keyword driven framework files with one example.
it would be great and supporting nature.
thanks in advance and thanks alot.
i am eagerly waiting for your response.
our company starting QTP for web application. Can u please share the scripts relating to keyword driven framework. and Please let me know how we can make any object private to Public. Please send me script file and some more example for QTP startup.
Thank you in advance 🙂 bansal.goyal@yahoo.com
Great job dude! I appreciate your efforts!
Can u please share the scripts relating to keyword driven framework
thanks in advance
Hi Ankur,
Thankyou for the valuable information. Our company is going to implement keyword driven framework.
Please send me scripts and files on kunal_jor@yahoo.com
The Keyword Driven framework consists of the basic components given below
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
Hi Ankur,
Thanks a ton for very valuable inputs !!
Could you please share actual/sample files and scripts involved in Keyword Driven Framework? This would be of great help….
Please send me scripts and files on pgsarvaiya@yahoo.com..
The Keyword Driven framework consists of the basic components given below
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
Thanking you in anticipation..
Dear Ankur,
Has here my client is asking to implement keyword driven framework. it seems to be working fine for my client. before i implement the framework provided here. can i have the some example files for each.
Keyword driven framework :
The Keyword Driven framework consists of the basic components given below
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
please send these so that i can implement the framwork
my mail id is rao.doppalapudi@gmail.com
Advance Thanks
Dear Ankur,
I have read the answer for this question “What’s your Automation Framework?” and I felt that the below Framework is suitable for me. I have mostly understood all about “Key Word Driven Testing” but I need an example file for each of the component before I start working on this framework. So, could you please help me at earliest?
Thank you in advance 🙂 smak – mailtosmak@gmail.com
1) Key Word Driven Testing:
The Keyword Driven framework consists of the basic components given below
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
I automated my Manual component into scripted one (keyword driven) and fetching data from QC……..verything is working fine but it’s taking hell lot of time to for the execution….
wat i need that I should have all test data in excel and inspite of taking test data from QC test plan it should take it from excel file stored in QC or Local system…
so that we need not to change our test plan test data everytime…..
changing in excel file do the work
Pls suggest me…
when we are unable to identifying the object, we can go for index or location wise.In keyword driven frame work some of the objects identified based on the index. any queries regarding this please let me know.
please check once.
I am developing keyword driven framework. I am facing one problem. I want to pick up class name, object name & its property from excel. But the object is not getting recognised by qtp. Can u pls help?
let me know i details about keyword driven testing with xmple
Hi Parvinder,
Iy seems you want to know the difference between action and function. You can refer this for a detailed explanation.
I want to know that we can call multiple actions using “Actions” in QTP and the same thing can be done using functions.
Whats the diff. between both the approaches and which is more beneficial.
can u please explain more with the suitable examples or give draft format for download