This page contains a regularly updated matrix containing details of QTP/UFT version support with various browsers.
QTP/UFT vs Chrome Support Matrix
To enable support for Chrome in UFT, make sure to install and enable the Functional Testing Agent extension available in the Chrome web store. If you have an old UFT extension installed in your Chrome browser, disable it and enable the latest one from the above link.
Please note that UFT Agent for Google Chrome is not available via search on the Chrome store.
Support for Chrome Incognito mode
[Incognito mode is a stealth mode where Chrome won’t track your activities you perform on the web]
To work with this mode, you need to allow some settings in Google Chrome browser.
- In Chrome, go to Tools > Extensions and check the developer mode.
- Make sure that the UFT agent at the bottom is enabled.
- Check “Allow in Incognito mode”.
- Make sure you have a single window of Chrome open during record/replay.
I have been using the UFT since last 2 months.. I am trying to automate one web application across all the browsers, i am done with i.e,chrome and fire fox. Now i am trying with edge but it’s not been possible for me, can any one let me know whether UFT supports edge or not?
UFT12.5 supports for i.e chrome ,safari,firefofox ,first of all check your UFT version
I have uft14.00 and chrome 62 (latest version) on my windows 7 machine . Chrome is not being recognized by uft . It’s recognized on my colleagues machine though . I tried uft14.02 on my machine and it ran script on chrome and but when I spy it’s all windows objects . How is it possible ? Please help
Did you enabled the UFT extensions in your chrome browser?
Hi. I noticed that V14 only supports Firefox until V51. Is it possible for UFT v14 (or any add on) to support Firefox V56?
@Gary: HPE/MicroFocus release the PAM guide with the new release of software but they keep on testing the software internally with the quick iterations of Chrome/Firefox. Unless reported otherwise the latest versions of new browsers should work with the latest versions of UFT.
Hi All, Can UFT 12.53 supports to automate PDF content ( ) version ? If so can you please share the steps here.
I want to test Chrome ver.57 on my desktop(window 7)
Is it available?
and are these all same in all different environment like PC, Mobile, Tablet? If there’s difference, please let me know whether I can use this in both environment (PC / Mobile /Tablet) , OS (Window, Android, iOS)
@sangmook: Check the matrix or PAM guide for your version of UFT.
I have a problem with UFT v14 and Chrome v 57.
Can anybody tell me why?
@AndrewCZ: There is no word from HP for official support of Chrome v 57. What is the problem you are facing?
Hi, I am getting ‘unified functional testing extension is incompatible with firefox 39.0’. Can someone help me how to get this issue fixed. Thanks in advance!
what is your UFT version
Why does UFT 12.02 not support IE11 ?
I am trying to run this code and UFT is not recognizing
the ieobj.Visible=”true”
Set ieobj=createobject("InternetExplorer.Application")
ieobj.Navigate URL
set ieobj=nothing
please help with this
@giladda: What’s the error you are getting? Please come up with a detailed query on UFT forums
i am unable to identify objects with FF 39.0 version in UFT 11.50 with pathces 68,82 and 126. Please help me. i have unchecked automatic download and enable uft add in also. give any other valid solution.
Hi Ankur,
Recently I started working on UFT 12.52 & using IE 11.0.9600.18426CO. When I try to record and identify objects IE its not responding.Can you please help me on this
* when checked in Browser support matrix UFT supports IE 11
@Suneel: Go through this list of UFT Tips and Tricks, one of them should help you.
I am not able to capture objects using Mozilla Firefox, please help.
hi, someone can help me – I have a QTP script, saved & ran on QTP10/UFT11 …etc. But recently upgraded to 12.51 and while running the same script on IE 11, when it opens up the browser, clicks on any image button it brings up not only required a window as tab but also bring up an extra separate blank window (browser).
Could you tell me what is happening in here and how to avoid the Blank window?…. The expected is it should just bring up a window which is currently happening but as a tab.
So, i need it like:
1. It just display it a separate window (the one currently showing as a tab)
2. Avoid the blank window
Is there a way to download an older version of Google Chrome? I am looking for Version 39.
Hi Ankur ,
I want to automate an ActionScript Application developed in Adove Flash Builder 4.7 but QTP spy tool is not able to detect the objects.
I am using UFT 12 trail . can you help me
Downloaded UFT 12.5 , but it is not able to record its bundled flight reservation application.
Have done below settings:
1.Run as administrator
2.Control panel > User > windows setting > never notify
Please can u share me the patches I need to download for recording purposes
@Nivedita: Check the tips article mentioned on the side bar.
Hi Ankur,
Please find the below scenario.
1)QTP Version–11.50 and IE Browser–IE 08–with this combination our scripts got runned with out any issues.
And recently our organizaton got updated to the below scenario.
2)QTP Version–12.01 and IE Browser–IE 11–with this scenario our scripts are not being runned successfully as of scenario 1.
we made sure that all the add-ins are same for scenario 1 and scenario 2.
can you please let us what is the problem with the scenario 2?should we install any additional add-ins?
Awaiting for your answer.
Thank you.
@Nishant: Browser version change seems to be the culprit. Check where are they failing and if they are invoking Smart Identification.
Hi, Im currently using UFT 12.02 with IE 9 (Version: 9.0.8112.16421) I have some problem regarding the recording in IE when I click the link that shows a pop-up message it doesn’t record the action. Hope you can help me
updated official UFT – Chrome support matrix
@Boris: The matrix is updated already.
We just got UFT 12.02 and it does not run scripts recorded on earlier QTP versions…i get object NOT found…i tried removing the name property from object repository and it enabled the smart identification…and i still got the same error…How can i run UFT scripts that are recorded on QTP to run well on IE 9 ?
Scripts recorded prior to QTP 10 won’t work directly in UFT 12.5, you would need to first open them with QTP 10/11 save it and then try to open them with UFT 12.5
In your case it seems some issue with object identification, check these tips
I have UFT 12.02 and it doesn’t recognize any objects on the page in Chrome v43.
Can you update this matrix please?
Do you have a link to the official HP matrix for UFT?
Thank you
Hi guys
Have a look at Borland Silk Test (advanced test automation tool) with full cross browser support for IE, FF and Chrome!
i registered an acount to download UFT’s patch support browsers, but i can’t dowload UFT’s patch.
please let me know what i have to do to download this?
HI Team,
This is bharat currently we are using QTP 10.0.i want to test few things in Chrome browser canyou please suggist how to work QTP10.0 on chrome browser.
Hi , I am using UFT 12.01 with chrome version 41, I am not able to record . Is there any patches available to support recording in UFT 12.01 with chrome 41 ??
I am currently executing my scripts On Chrome Version 40.0.2214.111 m with UFT 12.0 , please update the matrix
Does QTP 12 support chrome, FF and safari. if so, sud i install any patches or external addins?
UFT 12.02 is got fully hanged when executing the scripts on Chrome 38 & 39.
Is there any special setup\patch required to meet the normal execution speed ?
I really been worried to present it to my clients.
I am adding .tsr at runtime due to the crictical business requirements.
Dear Ankur Jain,
I have one issue about Regular Expression.
VbWindow(“frmABTInventory”).VbComboBox(“cboProducts”).Select “Nails”
Could you please kindly tell me how can I use Regular Expression for “Nails” ?
Thanks sincerely,
I mean that I only use some characters, which replace the string “Nails” such as “N”, “Na”, “Nai”.
The patch for Mozilla v20, v21 support for QTP 11.0 (QTPWEB_00129) is not available at HP site.
Can someone share the exe?
Hi Ankur,
Please, I wanna ask you if UFT 12.01 support OS X Yosemite and Safari 8.0.
I’ve tried to connect with the Remote Connection and I got this error message “Cannot connect to 8822 (connection timed out).
Thanks in advance.
Hi Ankur,
I am using UFT 11.5 and mozilla V28 browser for our application testing. I have installed two pathces (UFT_00044 + UFT_00068) as described in the browser support matrix. But when I spy the objects on mozilla, objects are not identified as standard objects (showing as Window: Mozilla Firefox etc).
Please let me know do I need to install any other patch to work with Mozilla V28.
QTP 12.1 is not identifying Mozilla 31 .
Could you please suggest what could be the reason .
Dear Ankur,
Have checked with UFT 12.0 & Firefox 27.0, it looks does not support this version or would require any specific patch.
Kindly suggest,
@Santosh: Please have a look, If it is supported, it would be mentioned in the matrix above.
Yes Ankur, as per the given matrix it is supposed to support. But I see it doesnot.
Also, a quick query, do we have to make any further setting on installation of specific patch? As I have tried even 11.0,11.5 & 12. In none UFT I found recognize FF/Chrome browsers. If I am missing any step. Thank you.
@Santosh: As of now, any browser other than IE would only provide replay support. Regarding additional settings/patches etc, I would suggest you to check the ReadMe file that comes with every Patch and Service Pack.
What do you mean by any browser other than IE would only provide replay support. We have done all of our UFT automation in IE with no issues. But now we are being asked to automate a web app that was built for Chrome only. We cannot recognize any individual objects on the webpage. The webpage comes back as one big objct. Is this the issue you mentioned about the extensions or we can’t automate chrome?
Thanks, Mary
I am trying to run qtp 11 in windows 8 but still qtp cant recognise the object of web application actually my browser is ie10 which doesnt support by qtp 11 can you provide me some usefull information regarding for the same. I also try with mozilla firefox 18.0 version and downald the patch of qtp which is availabel in your website but this is not working.
Patch for QTP 11 for v 20,21 not available…i cross checked twice to confirm…please suggest
@Aniket: Yes, it seems to be unavailable right now. If you have a HP SAID, check with the support team.
I tried UFT12 for Firefox 10.0 ESR and 12.0 ESR and the object SPY not recognizing the objects for the same
Hi, based on UFT PAM, IE 11 is not supported in UFT 11.5x but will be in UFT 12 (KM00654269).