Staging Page for Certification

Why UFT Certification?

Micro Focus UFT certification is one of the most sought after certifications by software organizations and software testers around the world. If you are looking for a job or if you want to move step ahead in your IT career, you should pursue UFT certification to have excellent job opportunities and to get recognized in your organization. Some companies allot extra points to employees with UFT certification during appraisals.

Can I get some more details on UFT Certification?

The current certification exam is on UFT v12.5 and has an exam code UFT120-12.5-ASP (Accredited Software Professional). After the spin merger of HPE into Micro Focus, the earlier exam HPE0-M105 became inactive on Aug 15th, 2017.

Check the FAQs section at the bottom of this page, we have answered some of the most frequently asked queries there.

I want to ace UFT Certification. Is there any help available?

LearnQTP started in Nov 2006. It is the oldest and one of the most popular sites on UFT (formerly QTP).We have helped several hundred aspirants with our various online training programs.

UFT120 12.5 ASP

UFT Cert is our online Unified Functional Testing certification engine with a unique set of 530+ Questions and Answers. UFT Cert will help you ace UFT120-12.5-ASP exam and will also help you get a firm grasp over UFT concepts. The quiz software is designed to provide you with maximum learning in the least amount of time.

The earlier exam by HPE was offered on UFT v12 and the current exam by Micro Focus is offered on UFT v12.5. The good news is that we have revised the whole questionnaire according to the latest syllabus of UFT Certification (UFT120-12.5-ASP) exam.

UFT Cert will not only help you ace Unified Functional testing certification but will also help you get a firm grasp over UFT concepts. The Quiz software is designed to provide you with maximum learning in the least amount of time.

UFT Cert cover the length and breadth of Unified Functional testing 12.5. You will find unique questions on the usage of the tool, API testing, LeanFT, UFT Mobile, usage of various parameterization methods (Test/Action/Random/DataTable Parameters), Descriptive Programming, VB Scripting, Handling data tables, Handling unexpected errors, integrating tools with each other and more.

How mock certification engine works

Once you register using the Add To Cart button below, you will receive an instant mail with the username/password credentials for our secured website. These user credentials will be unique to you and no other person will share the same credentials.
After logging-in to the website, you can start attempting questions at your own pace. After each question that requires explanation, a message window with full explanation of a particular concept will be shown. At the end of the questionnaire your aggregate score will be calculated and displayed. You can then choose to retake the quiz using our software’s convenient interface. You will get access for 12 months. You can take the mock quiz as many times as you wish within these 12 months till you get thorough with various concepts.

Other than the above, quiz interface provides you :

  • The ability to jump to any question while attempting the quiz to see the option you have marked
  • The ability to retake the quiz as many times as required
  • A drop down with all the questions having points allotted for a particular question and points awarded to you
  • A mix of single answer, multiple answer, True/False questions, matching, sequencing & point and click type questions
  • A detailed analysis/tip for questions that need further explanation
  • The total time elapsed while attempting the quiz
  • Ability to attempt questions on desktops, laptops, smart-phones and tablets like iPad.

Check what other UFT Certification (formerly QTP Certification) aspirants have to say about the quality of our mock papers…

The question sets provided a direction towards what I could expect in the exam and also indicated my weak and strong areas that I could improve upon. Another important aspect is that it pushed me to build up my knowledge around the subject, so I could handle questions that are not included in the Cert questions. Effort of the team shows as it is quite a hard work to provide the huge volume of probable questions in a nutshell. My recommendation would be – Ankur Cert Questions + Hard work => Sure success –

Sangeeta, India

The questions set seems to have been prepared with lot of research, they provide almost complete coverage of topics of QTP exam. It played vital role in clearing the exam.

I strongly recommend use of this Q-A set for QTP exam preparation.

Pujan Trivedi, India

All the mock questions with answers are very accurate and easily helps anyone to master the QTP tool.

Practicing these questions again and again is very good exercise in successfully passing the certification.

Raj Kumar, FairFax, US

Thank you so much for the set of QTP Papers.

I have cleared QTP Certification exam. There is no doubt in my mind in saying that the Mock Papers were really helpful.

Gokul Krishann, India

The certification questions broadly increased my understanding of QTP.

They prepared me for the big test. Although the questions in the actual test were not completely from the mock tests, but having prepared with the mock tests gave me confidence and I passed my certification with flying colours.

Ajay Lulle, India

QTP cert mock papers has given me a sound knowledge on different functionality of QTP.

Though I had a experience of 1 year in QTP 11, I was not knowing which all ways we can handle AUT using QTP. It is very much informative to me.

Tijo, India


It was a great help for preparing for QTP Certification. It not only helped me in preparation but the comment section gave a clear idea and understanding of QTP tool (passed with 95% marks)

Honey L, India

Its not like any other download…

QTP Cert covers a wide range of topics and package engine changes the option of answers in different order which is very useful.

I would recommend this for my friends and is very user friendly engine. Its not like any other download, users are given exclusive access to work out and practice on same.

Vishwa, UK

…helping me with many finer aspects of QTP

I have gone through the full QTP quiz engine twice. Ankur has put a lot of thought in coming up with the questions. The questions (and explanation) are helping me with many finer aspects of QTP.

Sushma, Canada

Highly recommended…

Package and the quality of questions is excellent. Thanks to the package I was able to ace my certification with v good %. Highly recommended.

Jenny, US

Entire risk is on us

100% Risk Free Guarantee

[**In case you happen not to pass the exam, simply forward us your “Exam not passed” certificate that you have received from Micro Focus, within 60 days of purchase of our mock certification engine and we will refund your money. No hassles and no questions asked!]

I would like to get access to UFT Cert mock certification engine, what is the cost?

GuaranteeWe have put a lot of thought and hard-work behind UFT Cert. It is regularly updated keeping in mind the syllabus of the latest UFT certification exam. UFT Cert is priced at $149 USD During the launch week, for a limited time, UFT Cert is available for $99 [People in India can pay in Indian Rupees(INR) through this secured gateway.]

Here is what you get on purchasing UFT Cert

  • UFT Cert – 530+ Mock Certification Questions on Unified Functional testing
  • All questions and answers verified by experts and passed strict quality check
  • 12 months access
  • Brief explanation provided with some questions that need further explanation
  • Instant access to your secured account
  • 60 Days Money Back Guarantee in case you don’t pass the UFT exam**

For people paying in INR, UFT Cert is available for Rs 5999/- During the launch week, for a limited time, UFT Cert is available for Rs 3999/-

UFT Certification FAQs

What is UFT Certification?

What are benefits of UFT certification?

What are the various types of exams offered by Micro Focus?

What is the difference between an Accredited and a Certified exam?

Is UFT certification useful for fresher?

Are there any pre-requisites before we take UFT certification exam?

On what version of UFT, can we take the exam? Is the exam for QTP 11 available yet?

What is the cost of UFT certification Exam?

Where can I take UFT certification exam?

Can I take UFT certification exam online from my home?

What are the passing marks, duration of exam and number of questions in UFT Certification

Is it mandatory to join a training program in UFT from Micro Focus before going for a certification exam.?

Where can I get preparatory material for UFT certification exam?

What is UFT Cert mock test?

We hope you have got your answers. In case you have any other question, please feel free to chat with us using the chat widget at the bottom right of this page. In case we’re offline, you can contact us through this link.

Get your UFT Cert mock papers now!

People in India can pay in Indian Rupees(INR) through this secured gateway.