Having crossed 1K milestone last week, I would like to take a step back and would like to invite blog readers to write guest-articles for the QTP blog.
Your article can be on anything related to QTP – a problem you faced, a piece of code you developed, your experience as a LearnQTP blog is now open for guest articlesbeginner, your QTP interview experience or a client success story.
The post will appear with your name on the blog, which ‘ll get you instant recognition in front of thousands of QTP blog readers. Feeling shy? You are free to remain anonymous as well. The idea is to get something that could help the QTP community..
Please send the article (preferably in MS-Word) in following format:

  1. Your Name (Optional)
  2. Your QTP Forum profile link/Blog Link (Optional)
  3. Article (Compulsory :)). Your article can contain pictures, screen-shots, embedded videos -again- as long as they are related to QTP.

Send them over to admin(at)learnqtp(dot)com [Replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .]
I will review your article, edit if required to make it appear as a blog entry and will then publish it.