1) When you find that Runtime Objects are not accessible by the Oracle add-in-8.2

Oracle add-in 8.2 does not have access to Runtime Objects (check that by yourself by spying) , to access the run time object properties use Java add-in.
Here is how you can do that:

  1. Launch QTP with Oracle Add-in loaded.
  2. Record till the point where you need to get the runtime object property.
  3. Save test, restart QTP this time with only Java-addin enabled.
  4. Now QTP should record the objects as Java objects. use .object property to access the properties as you normally do with other add-ins.
  5. Once done, save and restart QTP again this time with Oracle add-in also.
  6. Hopefully your script should run fine.

Having said that, I have often found that even though Oracle add-in doesn’t show anything on object spy, but once you try to get a property through .GetRoProperty it succeeds.

2) If you find some unexpected behavior or run errors when using the Java add-in

Make sure that you install Java add-in always after installing Oracle add-in (or patches) .

3) How to determine if an Oracle window is active (the foreground window)?

Take help of point no 1) above but this time manually create runtime “isActive” method using the .Object syntax.

4) Does QuickTest Professional support Oracle Developer 2000?

Objects in Oracle Forms 6, developed on Oracle Developer 2000, are only recognized as WinObject even when the QuickTest Professional Oracle add-In is installed. There is no special support for Oracle Developer 2000
Oracle clients that are not Java-based are not supported by the QuickTest Professional Oracle add-in. Windows client forms, known as “Oracle Developer 2000,” are not supported.
The QuickTest Professional Oracle add-in supports only Oracle’s forms which are run as an applet.
The Oracle add-in version 8.2 supports recording and running tests on the following toolkits:

    • Oracle Forms 6.0
    • Oracle Applications 11.5.7, 11.5.9, 11.5.10

These toolkits must be under the following environments:

    • Oracle JInitiator 1.1.8 –, 1.3.1 –
    • Oracle Applications using the Sun Plug-in 1.4.1_01

When testing Oracle Developer 2000 applications, you do not need the Oracle add-in. Objects may be recognized as standard Windows objects (such as WinEdit, WinList, WinCheckbox, etc.) or as generic Windows objects (WinObject). For objects identified as WinObject, you may be able to map the class to a standard windows object.

5) Oracle Forms 9 application will not launch after QTP Oracle add-in 8.2 installed

Oracle Forms 9 is not supported by Oracle add-in 8.2.
Apply Patch QTPOracle82P6102
Contact Customer Support for Patch QTPOracle82P6102.

6) The Enabled property of Oracle test objects is missing

Apply Patch QTPORACLE82P6100
Contact Customer Support for patch QTPORACLE82P6100

7) QTP does not spy or record on subtabs in an Oracle application

The solution is to manually enter OracleTabbedRegion.Select for the subtab.
From the Oracle add-in readme:

“The hierarchy of a tab inside a tab is not recorded correctly. This stops auto-tab selection from working on such hierarchies during a run session.
Workaround: Add an OracleTabbedRegion.Select method to the appropriate tab before any replay step on an object inside a tab which is inside another tab.”

The Oracle add-in version 8.2 can be used with QuickTest Professional 8.2, 9.0, 9.1,9.2 and  9.5.
Refer QTP Oracle Addin ‘Read Me’ for more such work-arounds.

Related: Points to take care with Siebel Addin

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Check the up-to-date matrix for the currently supported versions of Oracle-Java QTP (UFT).