UFT/QTP: List of All Patches & Service Packs

Last updated: Jan 06, 2016 By Editorial Staff

This page contains list of all patches for UFT 12, UFT 11.50, QTP 11 & QTP 10, released till ‘Last updated’ date mentioned above.

You need HP Passport account to download these patches.

Patches for UFT 12.51

Patches for UFT 12.00/12.01/12.02

Patches for UFT 11.50/11.51/11.52/11.53

Patches for QTP 11

Patches for QTP 10


    • @Glenn: Thanks for the heads-up. A new article on UFT 14.53 will come up soon.

  1. We are testing VB6 windows application, recently upgraded from UFT 11.5 to UFT 12.5.3 version, but in this version we are not getting proper error messages related to object identification issues . It is simply throwing “General Run Error” without line number and description of the object. Please suggest me any patches we need to install.

    • Hello,

      I can’t Find The patch 1 for UFT V 12.54 on the web .. I only find the patch 2,3,4 AND 5, Where is the patch 1 please ?

      Thank you

  2. One specific user in our team can face missing action in UFT script when she was running the UFT(12.53) scripts from ALM 12.53. Others are able to run those scripts. Please help me to provide the solution for this issue.

    • @Sunil: May be caching issue on her machine.

  3. We are using ALm 12.53 with UFT 12.53. Recently we found one issue.
    Actions within the script were swapped with another identified action from other script. This behavior is seen in 20+ tests in one module which are stored in ALM.

    We are unable to find the root cause of this issue. Could you please suggest what could be the issue and the resolution?

    From Chinni Suri.

  4. Hi,

    i am facing excel data read issue in between execution in UFT 12.0 after microsoft office is upgraded from 2010 to office 365(2013). Previosuly script was running fine without any issue. Now suddenly script is not proceeding to next step, resting in the same line without pause.

    please let us know if any one knows solution for this issue.


  5. Hello Sir,
    I am using UFT 12.02 winodw 7 professional machine. I am suffering one issue UFT 12.02 took more time to identify object as compared to QTP 11 on EXE.
    Please Help me.

  6. In regards to the Patches listed on this site, are there 32 bit and 64 bit versions? or do these patches work for both? We installed Patch 6 but some of our automation scripts are not working. It appears they UFT cannot identify our VBobjects in VB6 and they were working prior to the patch.

    • Sorry, meant to indicate UFT 12.02 Patch 6.

      • @JF: I guess Patches are version agnostic.

  7. Hi Guys,

    I’m using UFT 12.02, patch 06 and Firefox 45.0. Everything works fine with the Firefox until it opens a new Firefox window. UFT couldn’t detect the new window opened by Firefox. The app I test opens a new window for a separate transaction.
    I also tried opening the new window with the Object Spy( Ctrl+click) but still nothing(New window is described only as Window and not Browser). Even if I close the new window and spy the base Firefox browser again, it is detected.

  8. Hi Ankur
    My name is Srinivas. I am using UFT 12.02 and ALM 12.00.
    When I use Concurrent license, Unable to connect to ALM
    if I use Seat license able to connect.
    Any suggestions for this issue ??

  9. Hello Ankur
    When I try to run the UFT 12.02 in debug mode, and try to check the value of the variable, I get catastrophic failure.
    Please can you help me on this

    • Catastrophic failure? What is that?

      • When running script in debug mode, and do Add to Watch to check value in any variable , Im getting this error message in console.
        Eg : var = 12
        Msgbox var
        On running this in debug mode, in console I get this
        Expression Value
        Var Catastophic failure( Exception from HRERESULT:0x80000FFFF(E_UNEXPECTED))

      • This seems to be windows specific issue. See if this solution from Microsoft helps you.

  10. Hi, I have Scripts developed in QTP for a windows based Application. With the latest UFT 12.52 version I could not be able to run the scripts.When I try highlight the objects I am able to find the objects, but when I try spy them in UFT 12.52 the properties got changed. with QTP it was recognized as swfCombobox , but in UFT 12.52 it is showing as swfwindowobject. Could you please advise which add in may need to install to make it functional. Thanks in advance.

  11. Hi Ankur,

    Very useful website about the various patches available for UFT/QTP.
    Can you please elaborate/ add info next to each PATCH that can help user in understanding more the particular patch.


  12. Hi Ankur,

    We have just upgraded to UFT 12.51 and the scripts are not running successfully passed. The scripts are older ones used last year in our project, maybe a older version of UFT or QTP.

    How to make sure all the older scripts are running fine without any issues in new UFT 12.51 in Windows IE 11 Browser?

    It is a critical issue we are facing in our product testing.

    Sankar SV

  13. We are using UFT12.0 and Application developed on Wpf. UFT is getting hanged when we are spying the objects.

    Please help

  14. I have windows 8 and installed UFT 11.5, unable to import the xls file

    here is the code

    DataTable.Addsheet(“Sheet name”)
    DatatTable.Importsheet” E:\UFTFloder\Test.xlsx”,”Sheet1″,”Sheet name”

    set tc = DataTable.Getsheet(“Sheet name”)
    Msgbox tcrc

    Error :
    There was a problem while importing sheet to Sheet1
    same code I was executed in qtp 10, it’s working

  15. I am using UFT12.02, not able to identify python developed application objects. Please help me to overcome this.

  16. Hi,

    I have some scripts developed in QTP 11 as the version is upgraded to UFT 12.02. Can some one help me open the older scripts developed in QTP 11 in write mode in UFT 12.02. Currently the scripts open in read only mode.


    • Once you convert old version UFT scripts to new version UFT,We cant open in write mode.


  17. Hi Ankur,

    UFT-12.01 is installed and it need to work with ALM-11.52, in ALM addins page I found addins for UFT 12.02 and UFT 11.53 but could not find addin related to UFT 12.01.

    Please help me get correct ALM Addin for UFT 12.01

    Many thanks.

  18. I have UFT 12.01 trial version, ALM 11.5. I am not getting add-ins so that I can integrate UFT with ALM.

    Please help in Add-ins context.

  19. Does UFT 12.01 supports .NET WPF objects?

  20. Hi Ankur,

    we are using uft12.01 ,64 bit, windows 7,IE11,web addin

    script was running successfully till last week,now it is taking more time to do the event in the objects like click, set, select

    when I am spying in OR it is highlighting immediately. But running time it is taking more than 20 sec to do the events.

    I am not sure the reason.

    do we have any known issues and solution for the same ,any patches available.

    your help is much appreciated.


  21. I want to run my Automated Scripts Test Resuts in another systems, which dont have UFT/QTP intallations.

    Please sugest me how can i done this.

    Thank you

  22. My QTP crashes as soon as i double click to open it. Iam getting message “Quick Test Professional encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for inconvenience. Send Error Report”. “RunTime Error! – Pure Function Call”
    Iam using WinXP and had installed QTP 10.0 on it.
    Please suggest what to do to resolve. Also, if any Patch, then please let me know where i can find the Patch to fix it. Iam frustrated with this issue. Please guide and help.


  23. I’m using UFT11.52 with no patch installed. Some of the objects in my Windows application are displayed as WinObject by Spy. What patches shall I install? Thanks.

  24. Hi Ankur,

    I have downloaded 12.02 UFT but when I am Installing it on my laptop i get below errors:

    1) component Registration failed for HP.ST.EXT.STRemote Agent.dll
    2) component Registration failed for HP.ST.EXT.STRemote Agent SSE.dll
    3) component Registration failed for LrWS UDDI Query.dll
    4) Toolkit Interfaces.dll

    Please help me on this

  25. ALM 11.0 Manual test could not be converted to UFT 11.53 Test even after installing following patches, If any one have answers or solution please suggest.

    HP_Unified_Functional_Add-in_for_ALM.msi UFT11.50
    UFTALM_00038 UFT11.53 Patch

    UFTALM_00051 UFTALM Plugin 11.53 Patch 1
    UFTALM_00053 UFTALM Plugin 11.53 Patch 2
    UFTALM_00064 UFTALM Plugin11.53 Patch 3
    UFTALM_00076 UFTALM Plugin11.53 Patch 5

  26. Hi Ankur,

    I have downloaded Flex 4.6 add-in. Add-in is not getting displayed while opening UFT 12 in Windows 7.

    Can you please look into it and provide any solution.

  27. Hi,

    I downloaded the qtp v12.01 trail version and i installed it. I am trying to tun the scripts in qtp. while running the scripts i am getting the following error messege.

    “The test run cannot continue due to an unrecoverable error,
    Failed to run script.
    Description: The specified module could not be found
    Function file: (null)
    Line(0): “(null)”.

    • i am also facing the same issues while executing the script in windows7 64 bit version. Please guide me how to resolve the issue

    • I am also facing the same issue while executing the QTP script. when i search the error message an internet,they are commending like it is like an unknown melware in your system. Please help on that issue to resolve. i have uninstalled many times and install the software again, but still i am facing the same issue again and again. Please help on this issue to resolve

  28. Hi,

    I downloaded the qtp v11 trail version and i installed it. I am trying to tun the scripts in qtp. while running the scripts i am getting the following error messege.

    “The test run cannot continue due to an unrecoverable error,
    Failed to run script.
    Description: The specified module could not be found
    Function file: (null)
    Line(0): “(null)”.

  29. Does UFT 11.52 works with QC latest version 12.01.Please guide!

  30. HI Ankur

    I have UFT 11.53. While perform testing. Some time my code create issue to identify the object from repository but some time it works fine and some time it got stuck at that time uft had restart but next time same error after 2 or 3 test runs.

  31. Hi Ankur,

    I am facing object identification issue with QTP 11.0 and 64-bit version of PB 12.5 application.HP support team has confirmed that it wont support 64-bit power builder applications.
    Will HP UFT 11.5 and above vesrions can support PB12.5 application biuld on 64-bit.

  32. I am working in UFT 11.53. Installed Patches and connecting through Solution Manager for validation check. But UFT 11.53 is not integrated with QC ALM Version 11.00

    Tried to intall the following Add-Ins but didn’t work.
    •Unified Functional Testing 11.50 Add-in for Quality Center/ALM
    •Download UFT 11.50 Add-in

    Please let me know what is missing.


    • I am facing issue with QTP 11.0 and 64-bit version of PB 12.5 application.HP support team has confirmed that it wont support 64-bit power builder applications.

      Will HP UFT 11.5 and above vesrions can support PB12.5 application biuld on 64-bit.

  33. Hi,

    I have UFT 12 on 64 BIT – WIN 7 and Currently working on Windows based App. With WPF and Dev Express controls. Installing lot of patches we were able to detect only the WPF objects and not Dev Express. Now we are not able to Detect WPF also. I could see all the Patches are installed and addin are added as before. please help!

  34. Hi Ankur,

    I am looking for QTPORACLE_00019 Hotfix to fix “Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassFormatError: Illegal exception table range in class file oracle/forms/engine/Runform” Issue.
    Can you pls provide that via my email.

    Thnx a lot.

    • Pls let me know if any other hotfix or patch can even fix this issue.

  35. hi,

    I am working with UFT12.01 . want to know if there are any patches to identify dojo 1.9 controls.(UFT12.01 support till dojo 1.8 )

  36. Hi Ankur,
    Your blog is very useful for the beginners. Currently we are using UFT12 with ALM11.5. While executing test scripts directly from ALM or connect UFT with ALM, session often disconnecting say in 20min and results are not getting updated in ALM if we run the scripts which are taking more than 20 min. Please let me know if there is any patch or solution available. Please help me in this regard


  37. Hi Ankur,
    Can you please tell the purpose of the patch UFT_00104??

  38. hi ankur.
    Is there any patches that works permanently for Uft11.5 or Uft 12.0 on following addins.
    visual basic

  39. Hi,

    I am trying to automate .net WPF objects using UFT 12. However the in-build add-in is not able to recognize the WPF objects. Should we install any other add in for the same?


  40. Hello,
    I am having trouble getting the UFT extension to show up in the Firefox Browser. I am using Firefox 24.3.0 and it shows on the other computers where I installed UFT 11.53 Pack 3 Patch 1
    (UFT_00066). I am installed and uninstalled and then installed again and the browser extension still is not showing up in Firefox. Can you please help me out. Our Firefox is virtualized as well. And just know that it does work on the other computers that has Firefox as a virtualized application on the computer.

  41. we are using UFT 12 with ALM-QC 11.We installed UFT Add-in for ALM 12.
    I can connect to ALM from UFT but unable to see the QUICKTEST-TEST test type from QC “generate script” dropdown list. Also, if click the QC Test Script tab, its displaying the “ALM/QC cannot display the test steps because the relevant Quick Test add-in is not installed. You can download the relevant Quick Test add-in from the HP Tool Add-in section of the More ALM/QC Add-ins page…”
    What other add-in do I need to solve the problem?

  42. Hi Ankur,

    I installed the latest version of UFT (12.0). I was under the impression that UFT 12.0 should have no compatibility issues with IE 11. We developed the scripts using QTP11 and IE 8. Everything ran fine. We then upgraded to UFT 12.0 and IE 11. Things were not so fine. Did not find some objects, missed filling in fields, bomb on descriptive programming statements. I’m not ready to blame it on a UFT 12/IE 11 compatibility issue as I could have a wrong setting, but if that’s the case, I am stumped as to what it might be. Is there any special setting I should be aware of to make the two compatible? We need to run our environment in IE 11, so any ideas/suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    • I got the same problem. please help

  43. Not able click tree of swfobject

  44. Hi,

    We work with UFT 11.53.
    Do we need to install all packages for UFT 11.5 and 11.53 or are some included in other packages?


  45. Hi,

    We work with UFT 11.53 do we need to install all packages named above with 11.5 and 11.53 or do some packages include others (i.e. Pack 3 includes 1 and 2)?

  46. Hi Ankur,

    We are trying to see if automation can be possible via UFT 11.5 without any external solutions.

    App developed on Sencha 2.0 platform with HTML 5.
    This App can be launched in both mobile and web(chrome browser).

    Could you please provide the specific patch list.

    • @Shankar: All patches for respective versions are mentioned above.

  47. Dear Ankur Jain,

    Do have any information about UFTWEB_00001 Browser Certification pack?
    I’ve been searching from HP web site and still couldn’t find it.
    Just want to know what it is and how it works for the web environment.
    Thank you.

    • @Bee: Please have a look at various Matrix we have published. Links are available in the top menu.

      • Ankur,

        The Browser matrix provides the support matrix for the browser I have.
        However, I still don’t know how useful of the UFTWEB_00001.exe (Browser Certification pack) for UFT 11.53, since the HP website (http://support.openview.hp.com/selfsolve/document/KM01028071) does not provide sufficient information. I did search but no luck.

        Could you please advise?
        Thank you.

      • @Bee: This will allow you to support Chrome versions 34,35 and support Firefox versions 29, 30, 31 (beta).

  48. Dear Ankur Jain,

    Thanks for all product updates.

    I’ve just installed UFT_00068.exe for UFT 11.5 SP3 Patch 2.
    How could I verify that the Patch 2 has already been installed, since the version is still 11.53? Thank you.

  49. Hi,
    We are using UFT 12 with ALM 11.
    Some of the BPT components do not run in Batch. However, they do work properly when run through UFT.
    Also, object identification is very inconsistent.
    Any ALM add-ins required to be installed? Or any specific configurations required to be made.

    Please note: The BPT components are created in QTP 11 and not UFT. We are in the process of migration from QTP to UFT.
    IE version is IE 11.

    • A piece of additional info:

      Operating Sytem – Win 8.1
      RAM – 2 GB
      Virtual Machines used.

  50. Hi All,
    I have installed UFT 11.52 in my PC.
    Patches installed(UFT_00001, UFT_00022, UFT_00037)

    What is the patch for 11.53? Is it (UFT_00044)

  51. We need to get UFT 12 to run scripts for The following browser versions

    Chrome – Version 35.0.1916.153 m

    Firefox – Version 30.0
    How do we accomplish that? is there add-ins we need to add? or any patches for this?

  52. I am using UFT12 using that I want to work on chrome 31. But some how it could not identify the objects but appearing as winobject. the same application in IE11 is working fine.

  53. Hi, I Have UFT 11.5 installed on my 32 bit machine as well as 64 bit machine. API tests which I created on 32 bit runs successfully and give output. but same test are not giving any output on 64 bit machine.
    Please help – which service pack will solve this problem.

    – Nirmala

  54. Hi All,

    Can we automate JAVA seam application using UFT 11.53, if so what are add-in needed to install, I have tried with UFT deafula web add-in, but its unable to any child objects under page, I mean its showing only till page while spying.

    Please let me you know yours on automating Web application, developed in Java seam .


  55. Instructions inside UFT_00068.zip (pg. 3 of pdf) says “you must also install the 11.53 Patch 2 User Interface pack.”, do you know where that interface patch can be found?


    • @Michael: It is there on the top of this page.

  56. Hi,

    I downloaded QTP 12 Trail version in my machine. I have windows 7 64bit OS. But i am not able to record the webapplication. Is any patches required? If yes, what is the QTP 12 Patches should install and where do i get this one. Please help me out.

  57. I am facing this problem Qtp is not able to identify vblabels inside active x controls, but it identifies the vblabel inside a VB window.I am using UFT 11.5 one more thing that i noticed is that when i go to tools option object identification in visual basic environments all the list of vb controls appears but there is no name of vblabel in the list.For eg Vbcheckbox, Vbbutton etc but no name for Vblabel.

  58. Hi,

    We have an application that is being developed in QT(C++) that uses QGraphicsItem and we are struggling with object identification or any identification for that matter

    is there any patch for QT that can be useful for us ?

    thanks so much in advance!

  59. My company has been using UFT 11.52 for a while. We need to upgrade to 11.53 Patch 1.
    Do we need to install UFT_00044.exe before UFT_00066.exe? Or only UFT_00066.exe is required?

    FYI. Our previous steps: Installed UFT 11.50 from CD, then installed UFT_00022.exe.

    Thank you.

    • @Bee: Service Packs are cumulative in nature which means they include all functionality of the previous service packs and patches. While patches are independent. You should install Patch 1 on top of Service Pack for UFT 11.53

      • Thank you Ankur Jain.

  60. Hi,

    Can we extract dynamic data in PDF through UFT11.5?

  61. Hi,

    I have SoapUI4.6.4, which worked fine before I installed UFT 11.50 and patches UFT_00022 and UFT_00056. Now, when I try to start soapui I get error saying “The JVM could not be started. the maximum Heap size (-Xmx) might be too large or and antivirus or firewall tool could block the execution”.

    Same time Jmeter 2.11 opens fine.

    I read this article, but it talks about patch for QTPORACLE_00010, which does not help.

    Any help will be much appreciated.


  62. Hi,

    I am working on UFT 11.52 and now I need to work on the latest version of Firefox. Till now, UFT supports Firefox version 24.

    Could you please let me know whether UFT can support Firefox latest version 26. If not, please share some workaround to do this.

    Thanks in advance,
    Deepak VS

    • @Deepak: Please check the browser support matrix. It is updated as-and-when new support for browsers is released by HP.

  63. Hi,

    Is there a patch similar to QTPORACLE_00010 for QTP 10? The problem i am facing is the Oracle Table objects are identified a Oracle TextFields.

    Please suggest.


  64. can you tell me how to configure stingray in uft

  65. in my system UFT 11.05 not recognize mozilla firefox 18. versiion, pls sheare me the required info to overcome this issue.

    • Hello, Kumar,
      Do you mean UFT 11.50? Support for Firefox 18 was released with Service Pack 1, which after applying your UFT version will be UFT 11.51.

      The latest UFT Service Pack, UFT 11.52, it is included.

      So on this page, if you download and install UFT_00022, you should be good to go!

      ~Laura Shadle


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