Important: Micro Focus has launched a new UFT certification exam. The latest version for UFT Certification as of March 2025 is UFT120-12.5-ASP. Check this link on UFT 12.5 Certification: UFT120-12.5-ASP for more details. Exam code HPE0-M105 meant for UFT 12 Certification Exam is no longer active.

HP released UFT 12 in March 2014. Almost one year after UFT 12 release, HP has phased out QTP 11 certification (HP0-M47). Since March 2015, HP is only offering certification on UFT 12.  In case you are planning to take UFT 12 certification read on…

What are the major changes between QTP 11 certification exam and UFT 12 certification exam?

Unified Function Testing 12 is essentially a combination of QTP and Service Test which used to be separate tools earlier. While in QTP 11 certification, questions were specific to QTP functionality only, in UFT 12 certification you will get questions on QTP (GUI) as well as Service Test (API testing, non-GUI). Hence syllabus for certification has seen a drastic change going from QTP 11 to UFT 12 certification.

QTP 11 certification exam was known as Exam HP0-M47: HP AIS – Functional Testing v11 while UFT 12 certification exam is known as Exam HP0-M102: HP Unified Functional Testing 12.x Software.

What to expect in HP0-M102: HP Unified Functional Testing exam?

  • Number of items: 75
  • Item types: multiple choice (single response), multiple choice (multiple responses), and matching
  • Exam time: 2 hours
  • Passing score: 65%

What is the syllabus for UFT 12 certification exam?

How to prepare for UFT 12 certification?

To prepare for UFT 12 certification, you can take help of our high quality UFT Cert mock papers. These papers are developed by the experts at  LearnQTP.hp0-m102

UFT cert is a set of more than 530 questions. UFT Cert will not only help you ace UFT 12 certification exam but will also help you get a firm grasp over UFT concepts. We have invested a lot of time and energy to come up with these questions and have tried to incorporate almost all major concepts of UFT and syllabus of UFT 12 certification inside these papers. Enter your name and email below to get free sample questions from UFT Cert.