Hey Rajesh ,
here is my understanding from your previous post:
we have to select a value from dropdown(let it be country:=india) ,now your screen will refresh and you will have to wait until the page refreshes or other page loads (this will allow you to select a state:=punjab).
if it is your problem
the sol :
Then This code will wait here until the webedit is enabled
End If
here is my understanding from your previous post:
we have to select a value from dropdown(let it be country:=india) ,now your screen will refresh and you will have to wait until the page refreshes or other page loads (this will allow you to select a state:=punjab).
if it is your problem
the sol :
If Browser("index").Page("index").WebEdit("Account").WaitProperty("disabled", 0)
Browser("index").Page("index").WebEdit("Account").Set ("123")
End If