11-23-2009, 04:05 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-23-2009, 04:08 PM by upadhyay40.)
Dim EditToSearch
EditToSearch = "cc"
EditValueToSet = "urvalue"
'Create a description object to help retrieve all WebEdit objects in a specific page.
Set toDesc = Description.Create()
toDesc("micclass").Value = "WebEdit"
toDesc("html id").Value = "f"
toDesc("html tag").Value = "g"
toDesc("name").Value = "i"
'Retrieve all WebEdit objects in this page
Set EditCollection =Browser("title:=f").Page("title:=g.*").ChildObjects(toDesc)
NumberOfEdits = EditCollection.Count
'Search for a specific Linkobject and set its value
For i = 0 To NumberOfEdits - 1
If EditCollection(i).GetROProperty("name") = EditToSearch Then
EditCollection(i).Set EditValueToSet
End If
hi jnariss,
you need to just change your micclass as per you VBedit and try above code you an get your answer, please let me know if you need more help from my end